Can Autism be cured??

I was reading an article on Zerohedge today,a well known "far right conspiracy nutcase site"  which was about the rising prevalence of Autism.

We all know that many people claim that vaccines (or mercury used as an adjuvant in vaccines) cause Autism, (which doesn't work in my case, but what the heck, people claim all sorts of unlikely things to be true nowadays) and that position is made very clearly in the comments sections amongst many others. 

Where I agree with the strident people here who ALWAYS pop up to rubbish any ZH link I publish, is that there is a lot of rhetoric, misguided or actually 100% false opinion and information to be read in the comments section, and some of the articles are not much better, indeed.

Where I disagree with those same detractors is that reading them is a useless or even BAD experience. JUST as this forum has ME, Malojian & Juniper from Gallifrey all very different posters with different styles coming from quite clearly diffferent places ALL of us have a "place at the table" (even if it does mean putting up with the likes of me!)  and a right to be heard*.

SO that being in mind, I read a lot of them as well as the article..

Sometimes a comment really makes me sit up and think, such as the "Autism can be cured but the cure is being suppressed" comment, not least because the author has put a lot of effort in and has added citations and evidence that can be followed up on... and I did do some of them before I needed to do something else. (It's not just laziness, I am struggliing through interruptions and "new tasks" even during the writing this post, and am now irritated with how long everything takes to get done...

I saw a well dressed person clearly more successful, comfortable, and articulate than me, telling the audience to her you tube video that "yes Autism can be cured". I would rush to believe but for the fact that I've also had a bunch of very similar appearing people telling me that a succession of MRNA injections can make sure I don't catch covid I believe "Safe and Effective" was the psychologcial "baited hook" in that case, so why should I believe her?

BUT nevertheless, the question having been raised in this "fixers" head remains:

COULD Autism be "Curable"??

Not interested in the modern idea of "treatments" which are about as effective as the "servicing" that modern cars get, I'm wondering if it can be CURED like my own suicidal ideation was a few years back.

  • I would paraphrase this question myself to:

    'If autism could be cured, would you want it to be 1. for yourself or 2. in general'.

    I think that this question is the one most people are answering anyway.

    If I could live my life again, and knowingly choose to not be autistic, I'd say 'yes please'.

    I'm sorry if this upsets others, but it's a choice I'd make for some similar reasons to your own.

    However, I'd not change myself now at this late stage in life.

    Also, we need to bear in mind that there are autistic people who are much more negatively affected by their autism than others so there being a 'cure' available might lead them to living a much more fulfilling life.

    With regard to giving others the choice, that's fine as long as it remained an educated adult choice.

  • How about in one's child?

    If one had a chance of choosing a "cure" for their child and letting them avoid a lifetime of miscommunication and bullying and argument over every stupid little thing, should one refuse to do that? 

    But yeah, I'm all for choice.

    I'm glad that society and my circumstances gave me a choice (barely) not to take the vaccine.

    I'm not so sure they will next time... 

  • a autistic person isnt very likely to have a child anyway lol

    but if they did and they prevented the child from being autistic would the child then be alienated from the autistic parent?

  • its just that i cant see how youd get a partner in the first place. seems unnatainable even regular friends or social circles are just not a thing you just access.... where do you get a partner? i cant find any for sale at tesco!

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