Can Autism be cured??

I was reading an article on Zerohedge today,a well known "far right conspiracy nutcase site"  which was about the rising prevalence of Autism.

We all know that many people claim that vaccines (or mercury used as an adjuvant in vaccines) cause Autism, (which doesn't work in my case, but what the heck, people claim all sorts of unlikely things to be true nowadays) and that position is made very clearly in the comments sections amongst many others. 

Where I agree with the strident people here who ALWAYS pop up to rubbish any ZH link I publish, is that there is a lot of rhetoric, misguided or actually 100% false opinion and information to be read in the comments section, and some of the articles are not much better, indeed.

Where I disagree with those same detractors is that reading them is a useless or even BAD experience. JUST as this forum has ME, Malojian & Juniper from Gallifrey all very different posters with different styles coming from quite clearly diffferent places ALL of us have a "place at the table" (even if it does mean putting up with the likes of me!)  and a right to be heard*.

SO that being in mind, I read a lot of them as well as the article..

Sometimes a comment really makes me sit up and think, such as the "Autism can be cured but the cure is being suppressed" comment, not least because the author has put a lot of effort in and has added citations and evidence that can be followed up on... and I did do some of them before I needed to do something else. (It's not just laziness, I am struggliing through interruptions and "new tasks" even during the writing this post, and am now irritated with how long everything takes to get done...

I saw a well dressed person clearly more successful, comfortable, and articulate than me, telling the audience to her you tube video that "yes Autism can be cured". I would rush to believe but for the fact that I've also had a bunch of very similar appearing people telling me that a succession of MRNA injections can make sure I don't catch covid I believe "Safe and Effective" was the psychologcial "baited hook" in that case, so why should I believe her?

BUT nevertheless, the question having been raised in this "fixers" head remains:

COULD Autism be "Curable"??

Not interested in the modern idea of "treatments" which are about as effective as the "servicing" that modern cars get, I'm wondering if it can be CURED like my own suicidal ideation was a few years back.

  • I have also read on conspiracy news sites that autism is caused by the live measles virus in the MMR vaccine. This live measles virus supposedly gets stuck the intestinal wall of individuals with a weaker immune system causing inflammation of the Ileum (entrance to small intestine). The small intestine is where the vitamins and nutrients nessacary for the production of neurotransmitters are extracted from food being ingested. This inflammation in the small intestine causes the food to be malabsorbed which then causes the imbalance of neurotransmitters which causes autistic symptoms.

    I can’t deny that it is all interesting stuff and a pretty impressive theory. However to be quite frank with you I just don’t know what to believe anymore. I trusted the government throughout the lockdown and got all the jags and then it turned out they were partying in Downing Street whilst they were telling us all to stay isolated in our homes. I will go on the side of vaccines don’t cause autism though until it is definitively proved that they do. 

  • I have also read on conspiracy news sites

    I’m generally a reasonably tolerant person but I would happily support life jail sentences for the people behind conspiracy sites.

    They do incalculable damage.

  • Lies NEED to have "incalculable damage" inflicted on them.

    MOST (not all, some are as you correctly intuit, driven by malevolence or insanity, we have our "bad apples" too) are trying to raise awareness of some very inconvenient truths.

    What you have been carefully trained to call "conspiracy theory" others call the "Truth Movement".

    It really is a matter of perspective. 

    For those of us you call "Conspiracy Theorists" (at best, a lot of the names are less flattering) it is not "news" to learn that The Ukraine war is not going well, as I've been provided with copius evidence that Ukraine aided by NATO has been relentlessly crushed by the Russian army. Worse, the when the truth is generally known, we will all find that the Russians have done it with incredibly low civilian casualties compared to anything we've ever accomplished in our MANY, MANY, invasions of other nations... 

    We have a dark joke which goes:

    Q. "What is the difference between a real fact and a conspiracy theory?"

    A. "about eight months, currently."

    Eek I've said too much, there'll be a black helicopter full of lizard people coming to get me... 

  • I said othering. Not contention. Different thing.

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