Not autism related but I need help with an assignment

In english class we were supposed to start reading Macbeth but the teacher decided to change it to a project of showing what we would have at a fall feast. I need 2 of appetizers, main dishes, sides, and deserts, plus 2 guests id invite (living or dead).

I never have appetizers, I dont understand why you would eat before you eat, so I havent the slightest clue of what to put.

And for my main course and sides I have chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and rolls. Very basic food for children but I cant handle all the "fancy" food most adults enjoy (I still order from the kids menu at restaurants). Then I was thinking I should have a fruit so I chose grapes but I need to write the recipe for everything and grapes dont have a recipe because they just grow. So I cant do a fruit. But also, some things I want I dont need a recipe for, like ill just buy some chips, im not going to make it from scratch!

My grandma used to make something with marshmallows and pineapple and jello, she called Leprechaun Salad and shed make it for holidays, so I put that but deleted it because its called Leprechaun and thats for St Patrick's day.

The first person who popped in my head to invite was Anna but shes not "real" and everyone will laugh at me, but I dont know who else to invite.

We also need pictures on a slide show, I have this thing where I can only have a picture on a slide if the background is transparent and im having trouble finding pictures that are what I want without a background. And im feeling nauseous from looking at pictures of food. I dont know why people think pictures of food is appetizing, food commercials always make me feel sick. Food is so nasty actually, if I wouldnt d*e from not eating food then I would never eat again.

But this assignment is giving me so much anxiety, I know im overthinking it and nobody will care if I lie about what food I want, but I just.. ugh why cant we just read Macbeth like originally planned?? I think the teacher was trying to be nice with this "fun" project but I am about to cry over it.

  • Thanks everyone <3 I feel better about it now. Im still nervous about having to present on Monday though but you cant really help with nerves 

  • Wow your meals must be very fancy! I think the only thing I could make is the fruit salad (luckly I dont actually have to make this stuff

  • Appetisers :    

    Pigs in blankets. Cocktail sausages cooked in streaky bacon and served with BBQ sauce or a spicy tomato ketchup dip. Serve with a potato salad,  with mint or chives if you prefer. Chopped tomatoes, beetroot and red onions in balsamic vinegar with a little oregano.

    Casserole of sausages (try spiced deli sausages or frankfurters), kidney, haricot,or baked beans, potatoes, onions, carrots. Add your favourite herbs and chilies (if you like them.)   Serve with crusty bread or rolls and butter.

    As for your grapes , why not make a fresh fruit salad?   Grapes, peeled and chopped apples, berries (that's the fall part) and sliced banana. Add orange juice (prevents the apples and bananas from going brown)   Serve with sour cream or plain yoghurt, maple syrup to taste.


  • You could include Anna or someone else make belief you like. It might make it more fun for you and would add a nice special touch to it Grinning When we did a Christmas play 2 years ago I included Elsa from Frozen and my drama teacher said it was a nice touch.

    Try not to overthink things. I think you're doing really well by the sounds of it and I'm sure it will go better than you think. 

  • Starters can be anything, usually small. A soup is normal, so is a pate on fancy toast. Salad is a common starter before a pasta meal, you can make that as easy or complicated as you like.

    You might want to find an app that will help you edit the background out of the picture, I'm not sure I quite understand the background issue, I would put the photo in a framed on the PowerPoint and stick it in a corner at an angle, and not worry about what else was in the picture, but I may have missed the point here! 

    As for guests if you want to play it fairly safe in terms of peers laughing how about the actor who plays Anna (I'm assuming there is one I'm not entirely sure who she is). If it's the girl from Frozen you can talk about her singing voice not the character she plays. Does that make sense?

    Honestly I'd have invited Star Trek actors and bored the class with Trek food, but I never did get that wasn't what other pupils did! When forced to do sewing I made a cushion with the starship Enterprise on it. Rofl

  • Haggis and 'hakit neeps' (haggis and mashed swede), Macbeth is THE Scottish play and that is THE Scottish meal. Serve bannocks, Scottish flatbread on the side. If you need more courses then venison pastie would work. To drink, a single malt whisky.

    Invite Gruoch - the real name of Lady Macbeth, and Lulach, Macbeth's stepson and heir.

  • If you want grapes, could you add some more fruit cut up and add fruit juice to make a fruit salad?

  • Not related to any feast in particular, just our own wants. (we havent started Macbeth so I didnt even know there was a feast)

    He didnt specifacally say no fiction characters but the examples he gave were like actors, rulers, etc.

    A slide show with 2 slides per meal part, and a picture on each slide.

  • Can I just clarify before suggesting anything

    Is this supposed to be related to Macbeth's feast scene? 

    Did they say you can't have dictionary characters cos I would invite The Doctor(Doctor who) and make up a good argument for why I chose him Rofl

    Are you supposed to actually make the feast or just write about it/ make a presentation?