Not autism related but I need help with an assignment

In english class we were supposed to start reading Macbeth but the teacher decided to change it to a project of showing what we would have at a fall feast. I need 2 of appetizers, main dishes, sides, and deserts, plus 2 guests id invite (living or dead).

I never have appetizers, I dont understand why you would eat before you eat, so I havent the slightest clue of what to put.

And for my main course and sides I have chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and rolls. Very basic food for children but I cant handle all the "fancy" food most adults enjoy (I still order from the kids menu at restaurants). Then I was thinking I should have a fruit so I chose grapes but I need to write the recipe for everything and grapes dont have a recipe because they just grow. So I cant do a fruit. But also, some things I want I dont need a recipe for, like ill just buy some chips, im not going to make it from scratch!

My grandma used to make something with marshmallows and pineapple and jello, she called Leprechaun Salad and shed make it for holidays, so I put that but deleted it because its called Leprechaun and thats for St Patrick's day.

The first person who popped in my head to invite was Anna but shes not "real" and everyone will laugh at me, but I dont know who else to invite.

We also need pictures on a slide show, I have this thing where I can only have a picture on a slide if the background is transparent and im having trouble finding pictures that are what I want without a background. And im feeling nauseous from looking at pictures of food. I dont know why people think pictures of food is appetizing, food commercials always make me feel sick. Food is so nasty actually, if I wouldnt d*e from not eating food then I would never eat again.

But this assignment is giving me so much anxiety, I know im overthinking it and nobody will care if I lie about what food I want, but I just.. ugh why cant we just read Macbeth like originally planned?? I think the teacher was trying to be nice with this "fun" project but I am about to cry over it.

  • I hope you and the others with this teacher can find a way to get a new one. Document, collect testimony.

    Also your collective grades will show the discrepancy.

    Good Hunting!

  • This guy sounds like he is setting you for failure! Document it all. How have the other students been experiencing this teacher?

  • I came in for my english exam today. The teacher said I can retake it, if I want to improve my score. He said I got 77% so I was gonna retake it but then I quit because its hard. Over half of it is asking for definitions to words. Words that I have never heard in my life. He hasnt taught this, how can I awnser correctly? And anyway, when I took it the first time I didnt realise it was a test so I googled stuff and had my mom help. If me, google, and my mom together gets a 77% then what kind of score would just me get... But at least I didnt get yelled at like I expected

  • If kids are studying Shakespeare, there are opportunities for field trips. Go to watch a live performance or film. Study the background ... maybe visit a museum to look at aspects of life in the sixteenth-century. Look at replicas of original documents. Maybe look at the early colonies. Macbeth was written in 1606, so it is possible that the early settlers on the Mayflower would have seen the "new" play performed ... the Mayflower's dock in London was less than a mile from the Globe theatre.

    The point is that a good teacher can combine interest and academic rigour.

  • I've seen a few articles recently (by Floridians) who have said (and then explained) why Florida is not what us Brits think it is.  Interesting!

    How is the Aloha  state? (In your opinion? opinion that has value to me btw)

    [Disambiguation....I don't mean in terms of Macbeth....I mean more generally....I like to learn!)

  • There is also the oversight and of curriculum that is mandated by some board of nosy Parkers in the states.. Policy and over sight is a patchwork state by state. Its a raggedy mess, actually. Seams coming undone. IN US it is greatly influenced by which state one lives in. Avoid Florida at all costs!

  • If you know that show'll understand why I suggest roast squirrel?!

  • invite the black adder and serve turnips, nothing but turnips

  • The difference is that here in England all exams are set and marked by national examination boards. The curriculum at the secondary level follows the exam board syllabus, so we can't have crazy school boards deciding to teach creation myths as science, or deciding which textbooks schools will use.  Teachers do set tests, but the marks don't actually count towards a student's final assessment, only the public examination. We don't have GPAs. Kids don't "graduate" from high school and there is no High School Diploma, no Honor Roll or similar.  A few weeks after leaving you get a certificate with your GCSE or A-Level results.

    The assignment described sounds like something our kids would do in food technology ... it has nothing to do with learning English, or drama, or anything else really. Look at one UK secondary school's guidelines for students on Macbeth. A good mark will require critical textual analysis and some original thought - see the detailed marking scheme. This would be aimed at students in year ten or eleven, i.e. fourteen to sixteen. [

  • My 5th year teacher was so toxic he once upturned my desk and flung it down at my feet.

    Oh man... Ive never had a teacher do that before.
    I did have a teacher 2 years ago who screamed at us every single day, and came close to hitting this boy. But I understood why she did. Every person in that class was so disrespectful to her and it made her hate our class. She almost was in tears alot of days. She always said I was her favorite since I was nice, quiet, and did what I was told.

    Try talking to the other students nad see if they are also having similar trouble.

    My next door neighbor has the same teacher as me. Im friends with her younger brother and he told me that she is failing the class because the teacher gives her a zero on every assignment she misses. Its not fair though because she has a medical condition and misses school because of going to hospital so often.

  • I know how you feel. learning is a 2 way street. My 5th year teacher was so toxic he once upturned my desk and flung it down at my feet. He really did not understand when I froze and seemed to go blank when he yelled. I was shifted to another teacher after that.

    Perhaps you could keep collecting documentation and show it to another teacher who you trust on your own? I did that once in 1st year but all I ended up doing was clinging to her and wouldn't let go. I didn't have the language or agency to change anything. Try talking to the other students nad see if they are also having similar trouble. Band together. Keep documenting.

    Perhaps if your mother sees your grades slip and all the documentation she will relent?

    whatever this is it's not personal, just a troubled soul who needs a sabbatical! 

  • I showed my mom everything and she said that she wouldve also thought to do it and that its his fault for posting it like that. I told her about your idea to tell admin but she says not to. 

    I just wish I could have a different english teacher

  • you may not be the only one just as befuddled by his behavior. Your grade is important and the teacher has wandered off with the faeries, seems like. Hope Mom can help, show her all the confusion in documents. Your Mom sounds really nice. You are so fortunate to have her to talk with!

  • I have bad anxiety with talking to people. Ill ask my mom if she thinks I should talk to the admin. Thats a good idea though. His class is not very good for the way my brain works

  • It's not you. I think. He's not sure himself. Can you reach out the admin of the school about this? It bring all your documentation and go to them?

  • Now im nervous that im in trouble... Why wont he tell me what I need to do right now??

  • Perhaps, for your own edification, he needs to be

    brought to the attention of the admin.

    He is planning to retire after next year. Id hate to get him fired when hes been teaching for so long. But yeah I wish the admins knew. 

  • huzzah


    "devouter", "feast". me thinks 'tis merry making .

    I wouldn't like that assignment either.

  • It is sad, right now people are a bit on the offense.

    It will pass by 3 kings.

    Sounds like your teacher has lost the thread of the narrative. (haha)

    Gone a bit erratic before he goes full metal crackers?

    Perhaps, for your own edification, he needs to be

    brought to the attention of the admin.

    Sometime we have to learn in spite of our teachers.


    At least he introduced you to the roots of modern

    literature if not, himself, being able to teach it.

    "Hell is Empty and all the devils are here!"

    from the tempest.

  • I think this thread is just a "complain about my english teacher" thread now instead of "I need help with an assignment"


    On 14 December, teacher posts and assignment called "Semester Exam James" (I dont know what James is about. His name isnt James, its Steve.) it says "Due Dec 14" and "Work cannot be turned in after the due date.". So like a logical person, I do the assignment that day. 

    But today he messages me saying I wasnt supposed to do it until my exam on the 20th. WHY DID HE POST IT ON THE 14TH THEN?? Every single thing this man does makes no sense to me. Anyway I asked what I need to do but ughhhh.

    The google form wasnt even on locked mode. Who makes an exam where you can easily just look everything up?