Not autism related but I need help with an assignment

In english class we were supposed to start reading Macbeth but the teacher decided to change it to a project of showing what we would have at a fall feast. I need 2 of appetizers, main dishes, sides, and deserts, plus 2 guests id invite (living or dead).

I never have appetizers, I dont understand why you would eat before you eat, so I havent the slightest clue of what to put.

And for my main course and sides I have chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and rolls. Very basic food for children but I cant handle all the "fancy" food most adults enjoy (I still order from the kids menu at restaurants). Then I was thinking I should have a fruit so I chose grapes but I need to write the recipe for everything and grapes dont have a recipe because they just grow. So I cant do a fruit. But also, some things I want I dont need a recipe for, like ill just buy some chips, im not going to make it from scratch!

My grandma used to make something with marshmallows and pineapple and jello, she called Leprechaun Salad and shed make it for holidays, so I put that but deleted it because its called Leprechaun and thats for St Patrick's day.

The first person who popped in my head to invite was Anna but shes not "real" and everyone will laugh at me, but I dont know who else to invite.

We also need pictures on a slide show, I have this thing where I can only have a picture on a slide if the background is transparent and im having trouble finding pictures that are what I want without a background. And im feeling nauseous from looking at pictures of food. I dont know why people think pictures of food is appetizing, food commercials always make me feel sick. Food is so nasty actually, if I wouldnt d*e from not eating food then I would never eat again.

But this assignment is giving me so much anxiety, I know im overthinking it and nobody will care if I lie about what food I want, but I just.. ugh why cant we just read Macbeth like originally planned?? I think the teacher was trying to be nice with this "fun" project but I am about to cry over it.

  • My english teacher assigned yet another meaningless project... This time we have to plan our "Ultimate Winter Break" says "Congratulations! You have won an all-expense paid vacation with unlimited transportation. Make sure to put in plenty of information about your travels along with pictures, maps, and restaurants. The more you put down, the better your grade.". I need to have stuff for 14 days. His example is "EXAMPLE: Monday: Breakfast: coffee Morning: ski in St Moritz Lunch: Sushi in Switzerland Afternoon: Christmas Markets Prague Evening: Northern Lights: Iceland". 

    The reality of my winter break will be: Wake up, check forum, check emails, do duolingo, lay on the floor for awhile, maybe get ready, go downstairs, see puppy, sisters will be watching youtube, start talking and end up annoying them because they are watching yt but really they are annoying for always watching youtube, do random stuff, maybe go outside and play with the neighbors unless its too cold or if im not social that day, around lunch ill either make lunch or ill eat a snack, do more stuff, eat dinner if I remember to. I dont eat breakfast because it makes me nauseas for the rest of the day. And its not like im gonna be traveling to Iceland one day then France the next, like who does that?? I suppose hes wanting me to make something up, to be exciting. But my ideal trip wouldnt be all exciting. Heck, my lunch and dinner would probably be the same thing each day then he'll take points off even though thats actually want id eat. Im not gonna eat nasty shrimp and whatever fancy food there is. Ill prob eat spaghetti, mac n cheese, maybe chicken nuggets but thats it. Maybe a cheese and turkey tortilla for lunch but then id need to buy the right ingrediants (my mom bought turkey but she got the wrong brand. and the tortillas are the big ones but I like the small ones). And like how specific do I need to be? Do I need to say all the roads and airlines I use for my imaginary travels? And I dont even know where id want to travel to. Arendelle obviously but he didnt say "fictional" places are allowed. And why do I need a new destination each day, cant I just go one place and be low key the whole time? UGH this is due today and I have nothing. Holidays are rubbish. Id much rather prefer a essay or even a short story assignment than all these crazy "fun" projects he assigns. My mom says I overthink things, but I can't help it

  • Then say that. Say happiness doesn't come from doing all of these things and travelling it comes from being happy with what you have right now. If you are constantly seeking out events to be happy, then you are not really happy, you are constantly looking for the next thing to do and not enjoying this moment right here. You can only have a certain amount of holidays each year but if you enjoy each moment then you will be happier for longer. Happiness comes from appreciating what you have rather then constantly looking for the next adventure. This is in english, so when are the best moments in stories, is it when they are adventuring, constantly doing something new or is it when things slow down. Hiyao Miyazaki is a master of this, he doesn't try to fill his movies with action he fills it with character moments, In spirited away there is the moment when she is on the train just doing nothing. That is a great moment in the film because it gives you a moment to just take a breath. Toy Story copied this idea. The greatest stories aren't about doing things, they are about people, characters, connections. I didn't do very well in english but you have got MacBeth and his struggles with guilt, Romeo and Juliet (which I am pretty sure is meant to be comedic about saying how silly love is). It is not about filling your time with things to do it is but appreciating each moment, and doing the things you truly enjoy doing. Do the greatest writers fill their books with action constantly changing places, going to all exotic locations or do they focus on characters? There is a poem, Ozymandius, about this statue in a desert and in it says, "Look upon my works ye mighty and despair nothing besides that collosal wreck remained, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretched far away." He constantly sought to do things and build things to leave an empire behind and yet at the end of the day it was ruined, it didn't matter. What matters is who you spend your time with and being happy.

    I am starting to dislike the american system of schooling I prefer the UK where you just take exams and your grade isn't based upon classwork. Much easier for me, though others might disagree.

    Also you are clearly having trouble with sticking to a schedule. So what you might like to do is set aside time for you to relax. That is what the best students, start with when to relax and then fill in the rest of their day with time to work. You can't work all the time, and once you know you have time relax then you can focus when you should be working.

    This wasn't very helpful, sorry.

    Edit: This probably won't get you a high grade, but the assignment feels silly to me, writing isn't about quantity it is about quality, you should be describing why you are doing the things you do. You wish to visit Rome to look upon the colluseum, and look upon the works of michaelangelo.

  • I am starting to dislike the american system of schooling I prefer the UK where you just take exams and your grade isn't based upon classwork.

    UK schools dont have classwork grades? What do you even do all day at school then?

    This probably won't get you a high grade, but the assignment feels silly to me

    I agree, this assignment is silly. Last year I had the highest score on the english test, but this year english is my lowest class. I think because of the teacher.

    Your suggestions were good but I dont think its what he wants for this assignment. Thank you though

    Also you are clearly having trouble with sticking to a schedule.

    How so?

  • I am starting to dislike the american system of schooling I prefer the UK where you just take exams and your grade isn't based upon classwork.

    UK schools dont have classwork grades? What do you even do all day at school then?

    This probably won't get you a high grade, but the assignment feels silly to me

    I agree, this assignment is silly. Last year I had the highest score on the english test, but this year english is my lowest class. I think because of the teacher.

    Your suggestions were good but I dont think its what he wants for this assignment. Thank you though

    Also you are clearly having trouble with sticking to a schedule.

    How so?

  • If kids are studying Shakespeare, there are opportunities for field trips. Go to watch a live performance or film. Study the background ... maybe visit a museum to look at aspects of life in the sixteenth-century. Look at replicas of original documents. Maybe look at the early colonies. Macbeth was written in 1606, so it is possible that the early settlers on the Mayflower would have seen the "new" play performed ... the Mayflower's dock in London was less than a mile from the Globe theatre.

    The point is that a good teacher can combine interest and academic rigour.

  • I've seen a few articles recently (by Floridians) who have said (and then explained) why Florida is not what us Brits think it is.  Interesting!

    How is the Aloha  state? (In your opinion? opinion that has value to me btw)

    [Disambiguation....I don't mean in terms of Macbeth....I mean more generally....I like to learn!)

  • There is also the oversight and of curriculum that is mandated by some board of nosy Parkers in the states.. Policy and over sight is a patchwork state by state. Its a raggedy mess, actually. Seams coming undone. IN US it is greatly influenced by which state one lives in. Avoid Florida at all costs!

  • The difference is that here in England all exams are set and marked by national examination boards. The curriculum at the secondary level follows the exam board syllabus, so we can't have crazy school boards deciding to teach creation myths as science, or deciding which textbooks schools will use.  Teachers do set tests, but the marks don't actually count towards a student's final assessment, only the public examination. We don't have GPAs. Kids don't "graduate" from high school and there is no High School Diploma, no Honor Roll or similar.  A few weeks after leaving you get a certificate with your GCSE or A-Level results.

    The assignment described sounds like something our kids would do in food technology ... it has nothing to do with learning English, or drama, or anything else really. Look at one UK secondary school's guidelines for students on Macbeth. A good mark will require critical textual analysis and some original thought - see the detailed marking scheme. This would be aimed at students in year ten or eleven, i.e. fourteen to sixteen. [

  • I think the US has something simular to that. Junior year (age 16 and 17 ussually), we take the ACT and PAT. Its an hour for each section, science, writting, reading, and math. Then they score it and the higher your score, the better colleges you can get into (your GPA matters too, and extracurriculars)

  • I can only really speak for England, the other countries have devolved education. Kids have lessons and their classwork and homework are marked. In years ten and eleven they may practice essays etc. based on the previous few years' exam papers. The point is, that the only thing that matters is the score from the external exam board at age 16 (usually). Some boards do have coursework, particularly art, drama etc. and science courses may require laboratory work. This is assessed anonymously by outside markers who "moderate" the grade given by the school. Most of the overall score comes from a series of formal proctored exams. The papers are printed by the exam board and sealed, and only opened by the invigilator at the start of the exam in front of the candidates. The answer papers just have the student's identification number and exam centre number, they are collected up, sealed in an envelope, and sent to the exam board for marking. Any rough notes should be done on the exam paper and crossed through. Teachers can not change the syllabus, fake grades, give extra credit or penalise students they don't like.

    A three-hour exam can be stressful for neurodivergent students. Students can be given extra time, allowed supervised rest breaks, and take the exam in a quiet room rather than in the exam hall. Some students may have a scribe or reader, or use assistive technology. These accommodations have to be approved by the examination board, and helpers are independent and trained.

  • I said this in too dismissive of a tone, sorry. It seems like you are constantly on here, when you should be focusing on working. Sorry, again.

    Oh, no your fine. I was actually just confused what you meant. But yeah youre right about me being on here when I should be working. My brain just has so much to say and I dont have anyone to say it to soo. Plus I tend to either finish my work super quickly (in math mostly) or I just cant seem to get started, so instead of staring doing nothing, I might as well socialise right? But if it makes you feel better, I practiced my piano for an hour before this

    Huh thats interesting. I like classwork sometimes because it can be like a checkpoint to see if I understand the content correctly. But certain assignments are just horrid (like this english teacher...)

  • Also you are clearly having trouble with sticking to a schedule.

    How so?

    I said this in too dismissive of a tone, sorry. It seems like you are constantly on here, when you should be focusing on working. Sorry, again.

    I am starting to dislike the american system of schooling I prefer the UK where you just take exams and your grade isn't based upon classwork.

    UK schools dont have classwork grades? What do you even do all day at school then?

    Other people just seem to talk to each other in lessons, but you just have lessons where you learn the material and then you have an exam or multiple at the end of each year for each subject. There are more intricacies then that but that is what it essentially is.