Cant write what I want to

I tried writing this a few times over the past couple days but I was having trouble but thats kind of the point of this post.

I dont talk very often out loud (unless its about my special interest and im with people im comfortable with) but online I can write wayyy more. I usually even annoy people with how much I write when I text/email/etc but the last couple days I keep trying to comment on things on here but I changed my mind and didnt send it. I think I only made 4ish comments and they were pretty short than my usual. I dont know why I cant write right now, its like I dont feel like it, mixed with I cant find the words I want. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this before and if theres a way I can get past it?

  • Sometimes I take a long time to type a comment, and I don't end up sending it,  and that happens like 50% of the time. I take a long time to write anything, and if I don't have the words for it now, I'll wait a few days, and then I'll try again.

    A friend got angry at me for sending her a reply to her question a week later. I just couldn't find the right words for it, so I left it until I could gather my thoughts together and write back to her, but she was not pleased that it took s week, and said I just ignored her and forgot about her for a week, and she got angry at me for it because I didn't instantly reply to her, and even after I explained what had happened, she didn't believe me. I then thought about her texting me hundreds of times a day,  and expecting instant replies to them all, and I'm just not the type of person who could do that. I just found it too difficult to meet her expectations, so I just shrugged, and I just stopped messaging her. I'm sure she can find other friends who are willing to do that, just not me.  

  • That is interesting. I find it difficult to write long comments and sometimes decide not to send them.

    However if I send a message to a friend and I don't get an answer I tend to think I have done something wrong and then lose touch with them. If I had received a reply late I would have been grateful that it wasn't something I said.

  • I tend to delete things if they seem too long,  and then I try to condense it shorter, but it doesn't always work out, and I might end up writing even more than I did before. 

    If your friend doesn't reply, I don't think you should automatically think you've done something wrong and blame yourself for it. Maybe in the past there might have been someone who ignored you because they disliked something you said to them, but people who do that are just not good to hang out with. They'll just hurt your feelings. And even if you lose touch with them, I hope you stop blaming yourself for their actions. 

  • Most of my life I've been long-winded but since the coronavirus period started in 2020 I began exploring the comedy sector (online only) and found it very good practice for me in condensation (regarding joking around generally not water vapour) Sweat smile  

  • Most of my life I've been long-winded but since the coronavirus period started in 2020 I began exploring the comedy sector (online only) and found it very good practice for me in condensation (regarding joking around generally not water vapour) Sweat smile  

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