Cant write what I want to

I tried writing this a few times over the past couple days but I was having trouble but thats kind of the point of this post.

I dont talk very often out loud (unless its about my special interest and im with people im comfortable with) but online I can write wayyy more. I usually even annoy people with how much I write when I text/email/etc but the last couple days I keep trying to comment on things on here but I changed my mind and didnt send it. I think I only made 4ish comments and they were pretty short than my usual. I dont know why I cant write right now, its like I dont feel like it, mixed with I cant find the words I want. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this before and if theres a way I can get past it?

  • I've struggled a lot with trying to participate on forums/social media, even tho like you I love writing and can't reign it in. Then I'll get more and more anxious that everything's very noisy, including me, and I lose all sense of who I am and start worrying about fitting in and who I'm really talking to and asking why are they talking to me? 

    Things also start seeming meaningless then, so I half think of writing or post and delete etc. 

    I think even though it's writing rather than talking it's fast and interactive and therefore more like talking than writing in reality? 

    And maybe no one's very interesting right now? Japanese ogreHehe...

    I don't think it's worth worrying about it, I think just take your time and write/talk when you have something to say. It's hard to feel present but I've come to the conclusion if I try too hard I'll just burn out and run away like usual.

  • I've struggled a lot with trying to participate on forums/social media, even tho like you I love writing and can't reign it in. Then I'll get more and more anxious that everything's very noisy, including me, and I lose all sense of who I am and start worrying about fitting in and who I'm really talking to and asking why are they talking to me? 

    Things also start seeming meaningless then, so I half think of writing or post and delete etc. 

    I think even though it's writing rather than talking it's fast and interactive and therefore more like talking than writing in reality? 

    And maybe no one's very interesting right now? Japanese ogreHehe...

    I don't think it's worth worrying about it, I think just take your time and write/talk when you have something to say. It's hard to feel present but I've come to the conclusion if I try too hard I'll just burn out and run away like usual.

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