
What are your systems for dealing with things?

This maybe a crazy idea and I am probably wrong but what if our problems arise from trying to figure everything out ourselves and not using systems to deal with problems.

An example for me would be I am trying to figure out how to get a job myself, and I am expending alot of energy not really accomplishing much so in order to fix this I need to put a system in place to finding a job. I need to treat it like a full time job, approaching each of the problems systematically.

So my question is this. What are your systems for dealing with things? Like writing CV's, approaching new situations, problem solving, learning things, talking to people, waking up, winding down. I imagine alot of you have probably figured out lots of tips and tricks for dealing with lifes many challenges so I thought I would cheat and instead of trying to figure everything out I would ask you for systems you use for accomplishing tasks and then I can just copy you. Live life on easy mode. ;)