What are your hobbies and interests?

Mine are listening to music, writing, sewing and making jumpers, walking and watching fun movies. One of my biggest interests is in history, if my local museum was hiring I would love to work there.

  • I like listening to music. Do you have a favourite song and group? I'm a big fan of the older stuff but like a lot of modern songs as well. Taylor Swift is my favourite singer.

    I like to write, this ties in with my work as well. I used to love chess as well, had this really old vintage board that my Granny got for my 18th birthday. I still have it but store it now because I worry it will break.

    Your sewing sounds interesting. Do you do Christmas jumpers, like you see in some Christmas films? I would love to be able to do that but my hands are too shaky.

  • I like listening to music. Do you have a favourite song and group? I'm a big fan of the older stuff but like a lot of modern songs as well. Taylor Swift is my favourite singer.

    I like to write, this ties in with my work as well. I used to love chess as well, had this really old vintage board that my Granny got for my 18th birthday. I still have it but store it now because I worry it will break.

    Your sewing sounds interesting. Do you do Christmas jumpers, like you see in some Christmas films? I would love to be able to do that but my hands are too shaky.

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