3 Good Things (Redux)

Since the thread, which began May 2021, seems to have vanished, I wish to create a new one. 

From Darkness to Light. Smiley

1. I paid for a condensed tumble dryer, which I reserved on Tuesday; for delivery, tomorrow. Also paid for a three-year warranty. (In cash) 

2. I made a poem, entitled 'Storm in a teacup', about the arrival of Agnes. (SEYMOUR!) 

3. Bought more Farm-Fresh milk today. 


  • 1. Went to visit my tiny bit of land where my 45 foot long brick wall had got pushed down by the local kids, to find that persons unknown have built a new one in the last week or so!! eans I can clear it and get my building up at last.

    2. "New to me" motorbike has attracted an offer of £1500 from a guy who expects to be able to make 2000 quid+ for it after a bit of paint and laquer restoration. AND I'm enjoying riding it in the meantime. I bought it as a non runner and have added value by fixing it's ailments that others have failed to do, finding parts as neccesary, battery and a subframe for the fairing to make it straight as it should be. I am in the process of fashioining a lasting repair to the exhaust, and then I'll hand it over to my favourite M.O.T. station for a "Proper M.O.T."  With my actual motorbike that they have been MOT'ing for much of the last twenty five years I can confdently swagger in and say "Fail THAT then if you can"! They always managed to find stuff they didn't like, but IIRC it's always got a fair Pass.

    3. Best of all my Lovely Child's, best friend, found out and dragged her off to see the Northern Lights.and she called me up to tell me about it, then emailed me some lovely pics! And I'm sitting here typing with my faithful orange companion curled up next to me on the specially widened office chair, and yes, it's been a good, maybe transformative, day.

  • There were Northern Lights last night where I live(somewhere that shouldnt have northern lights). My neighbor said it was because of a solar storm. I absolutely love aurora borealis. In Frozen they would have said “The skys awake”. It didnt look as cool in person than the pictures online (im guessing because of the street lights and pollution)

  • We had the same amazing show of Northern Lights last night in the UK too....that also reached places in the south that very rarely get the experience. It's all over our news.

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