What music are you listening to?

I thought I'd make my own thread for this :–) 

I've got a lot of CDs and have been listening to them a lot more recently.

I'm currently listening to my Disney princess CD ^^

Parents Reply
  • hmmmmm - Metalcore is an enigma to me.

    I like a bit of yelling and bashing from time to time (RATM rock my world a fair bit)......but the whole death / core / punk fusion thing always leaves me a bit cold = too many nooses, knives, axes, car crashes, guns, blood and 'dark' violence for my taste.....and not enough 'beat' / 'riff' for me.

    Nonetheless, it is always good to understand what is floating other peoples boats, so thanks for sharing your "Softer Today"......I'd be interested to know what you like to listen to on a "non-soft" day?!
