What's something cool you can do?

I can do a backflip and I can mimic most voices I hear. The mimicking is a special talent, according to my MH nurse. I used to have an almost photographic memory but recently I lost it, my memory is patchy now.

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  • I can do this partially with my dog.
    I tell him pointedly “Sit! And do not move one more time again Monsieur Bussington!” And he sits and is still.  
    But the second I turn around he’s standing an inch behind me.. and everybody starts laughing..

  • I think dogs want just to be with the people they love best

    Many dogs are not as you describe.  Working dogs (real ones) just want to work and they will tolerate people who demonstrate respect and practice calm towards them....and if they allow them to work.  Many of the principally non domestic breeds (real ones - huskies, bigger sheep dogs, guard dogs etc) just want to be with their own kind, in a pack - doing pack things OR on their own - guarding something.

    People are often quite inconsequential to dogs, I feel.  I understand why.  Like us folk on these pages, they have learned to do what they need to do to keep a roof over their heads and their tummies full.....but generally, the ones I meet, seem pretty lonely and under-nourished in the human/dog matrix.

    If I claim to be able to talk with them......then I trust you will understand when I feel compelled to advocate for them....because....the ones I've met are rubbish at a keyboard.

  • My dog is beautiful too, people love him on sight. 

  • Well, he is very handsome, and he has remarkable eyes.... Blush

    Humans judge on appearances, assuming all sorts of virtues for that which attracts them, and all sorts of failings for that which does not. 

    It's a remarkably superficial way to assess the world around you... 

  • I agree with that. I never get talked to or approached, but people take a look at his eyes, then any inhibitions, on their part, melt-away.. which throws me and my dog right out of whack..Sweat smile

  • I think dogs want just to be with the people they love best, totally relatable Slight smile

    A random thought- dogs are humanising to others, I've noticed that I'm perceived differently because I have a dog, from when I hadn't... 

    Like it makes me more touchable (if that's even a word!) 

    It's the perception of others that's changed, not so much me...

  • We’re exactly a like each other I think.. we think the same thoughts and are on the same page, but he’s not on others page when I’m around, so that can get mixed results..

  • Probably - what he'd like is an order with him in charge. Not gonna happen! Joy

    'Get a dog' they said... so I did, a working cocker spaniel with ideas about his own superiority...

    That'll teach me.. Joy

    I bet your dog is lovely... Blush

  • You should give him a doggy-gavel, I’m sure he’s merely calling for order..

  • There you go - animal communication, it's lovely when you understand each  other. My dog is very vocal, all sorts of sounds. I'm sure he's actually trying to talk, as I do. On the rare occasions he Joytnesses me talking to others, he barks. I'm not sure he approves! Joy

  • Dogs are so funny aren't they. Floppy can't do any commands you tell him to sit and he'll just fall on his tummy and looks at me with big eyes.

    I love dogs they are lovely and best friends Slight smile