Burnt-out and need a friend!


I was diagnosed late last year at the age of 27. I’m struggling with what feels like a constant burnout! I just feel like I need someone to talk to who understands what I’m going through :/ 

  • Hey Allie, I’m a little-late the party so sorry about that, I also usually have a lot of objective-things to say about this. But following a recent trigger, I have confusing sort-of episode that is crawling its way into my psyche, mostly in the form of physical-sensation and it’s making me feel unusually-fragile. The good news however is that perhaps I have an uncommonly subjective-thing to say. So I think I will write my peace and see where it goes.

    I had an objectively-mild discouragement in the past few days, that has a substantial-subjective toll, this I think has been a close-to final straw amongst a larger-mass of factors. Essentially Im not sure what to make of how I feel, I mean I’ve had a full-day and I’m still wide-awake, I’ve been going in a semi-autonomous state for about 18 hours now. Odd.

    I read an article about an hour ago in The Times about how those with mental-health issues are to be made to work, under a proposed plan to reform welfare, so i just deleted my subscription. I’m not really sure how irritated I am about it, but know that I have very-little control of such things, I guess I feel numb about it. I mean I’ve been homeless for years and it is what it is..

    I don’t know much I suppose, I know how it is with burnout I believe that I’ve previously spent years of my life being burnt out, perhaps I’m circling that drain now.

    If I had my objective-head on I’d tell you that these things do pass, they evidently feel awfully-awful to experience, I think perhaps I should take my own advice. Autist’s most-valuable blessing against the emotive-traffic that can back-up sometimes, is the self-knowledge that their special-interests gain whilst in the light, essentially you have to trust in the more-productive cognition that you have had. Negative intuition is strong in autists, as are autist’s survival protocols, but you have to remember that despite its effectiveness, it is not suitable for use in daily-living..

    Thus if you are not in a survival-situation, you must trigger activity that best facilitates your peace-time mind, you must pull yourself towards your special-interests and your true-friends. It can be hard to feel that truth when you are in the thick of it, but that is what rules and precedent is for, they are the culmination of best practice after having suffered before.

    I hope this is at least of interest..:)

  • I have to force myself, at times.

    Tonight, I forced myself to do the dishes. Turned out to be a good call.

  • Thank you! Yes it’s very tough, will definitely take you up on the offer to chat :) 

  • HI Allie,

    Recently diagnosed here and know what you mean about the burnout - I've struggled with it too for years, a constant cycle of happy at work, struggle at work, burnout, depression and recovery , start a different job and repeat the cycle- with the space between each burnout getting shorter and shorter.

     I know what you mean about it being lonely, here and happy to chat if that'd help :)

  • Thank you, I appreciate all the support:)

  • Hello. I am sorry you are struggling so much with burnout, I hope you can find peer support and friendship in this lovely autistic community.

    If you are looking for support regarding coping strategies for burnout, here is a link to a great autistic advocate who specialises in supporting autistic adults through burnout:


    I hope this helps, we are here for you!

  • Are you quite sure about that Desmond? You seem pretty darn busy to me mate !

    When I had my mega burnout.....I just needed to hide all the time.....didn't want to talk, write, associate, do, think.....and quite often live !!  I didn't think I was worthy of anything and didn't think it was fair to other people to bother them with my woes.  I had zero self regard and zero energy.....and felt like nothing was worthwhile.

  • Yeah even the smallest things can be so difficult and it never ends 

  • I'm constantly burned out, too. Non-stop work around the house, and a kitten to manage.

  • I will have a look :)

  • I can vouch the above has been really useful.

  • @autonomistic kindly posted a reply to me about burnout which included helpful links. I shared that with family, and for the first time I really got the sense they understood. 

  • That’s fair :) I’ll send you a message!

  • Thank you! I sent a request:)

  • End of the year entering the 40s decade. Welcome to send me a friend request. 

  • I hear you. Dreading it is probably a sign that it might not be the best?

    I definitely think an autistic therapist would help you but that's just my suggestion! And even then you might have to try a few different ones to find one you gel with.

    I was lucky that I gelled with mine from the off but I gave myself a few days before committing to further sessions. I could have easily gotten overexcited by this fancy new therapy idea!

    There's so many things I understand about myself that I didn't even think of 6 months ago, it's fascinating 

  • I mostly like reading fiction horror novels or anything spooky :) September is my birthday month, I’ll be turning 28! Yeah it’s difficult to find the right balance when it comes to friends 

  • It’s difficult! I was I had a doctor that specialised in asd and could really help me