Burnt-out and need a friend!


I was diagnosed late last year at the age of 27. I’m struggling with what feels like a constant burnout! I just feel like I need someone to talk to who understands what I’m going through :/ 

Parents Reply
  • I tried antidepressants for a while but I felt the side effects more strongly than any benefits.

    The main aim for me was getting autism specific support, which is admittedly hard to come by. Even if you live in a major city like I do. 

  • @autonomistic kindly posted a reply to me about burnout which included helpful links. I shared that with family, and for the first time I really got the sense they understood. 

  • I’m sorry to hear that, I’m here if you want to talk :) I definitely feel comfortable here and I’m so grateful to have people to talk to 

  • Oh no! I'm sorry. I'm in the same position although I lost them all because I did something really stupid.

    I hope you're able to utilise this forum for that, it'll definitely help you to have something resembling a support network. You're quite early on in your journey so I can understand the struggles but I hope things ease for you.

    I was diagnosed 17 years ago and I'm still struggling although I definitely understand myself a bit better than I did, and I do have therapy to thank for that.

  • I don’t have any friends! Not even one Upside down I have family I can talk to but they don’t understand 

  • Do you have a family member/friends/partner who you feel comfortable confiding in or do you feel like they would struggle to understand? I can understand how isolating that must feel if so.

  • That’s what I want! I feel like I just need some support, just someone who knows what I’m going through to talk to me when I’m struggling:( this world just isn’t build for us and it’s so scary to me