Spare a thought.

I wanted to create this thread so I can spare a thought to think about members I regard as friends and hope that when if they return they will get notified here.

I hope you're doing ok. You are missed.

I hope you enjoyed your last day of school, (I know I did!), and that you are chasing your dreams like you wanted to do.

I hope you are doing well. We all miss seeing you about this place. I hope you'll return when you can.

We all miss you and hope life is treating you kindly.

I haven't seen you for a while but I remember you weren't very well earlier in the year. I hope you're feeling better now and I hope you'll be back here at some point.


I hope you will get to see this, when you return. If you don't return I hope in some way you feel the message.


  • I want to spare a thought for Malojian.

    And I'm really sorry you're going through so much at the moment and I'm even more sorry you've decided to leave again.

    I really hope you will decide to come back because this forum is one of the only supports available for autistic people and I think it's more beneficial to have this at your side.

    Please take care and know that we're all thinking of you and hope you will return :) 

  • I hope you're ok Goose. You are missed and I hope you'll be back with us before long.

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