Preferred fonts for autism

Hi everyone, I’m interested in everyone’s thoughts and opinions on fonts preferred for those on the autism spectrum. A lot of people relay that Comic Sans is a preference. However, I don’t like comic sans. It has been used for 20 years in schools and for adults and I want to know what autistic individuals in the community think about comic sans. And explanations why it is perceived that comic sans font is preferable to let’s say arial or times Roman. I notice the Autistic Society website does not use comic sans. Which I’m glad about. Any thoughts, feeling and expressions welcome. Thanks everybody. 

  • I’m pretty much stuck on using Calibri at this point. It has been the default for me now for so long that when writing, nothing else looks ‘right’ to me. As someone who is dyslexic too, Comic Sans is supposed to be quite easy to read, but I find that my autistic desire for the ‘correct’ font gets in the way of me concentrating on what is written sometimes. I must say though, none of these are particularly strong opinions of mine, just some general thoughts on the matter.

  • Absolutely. I can manage all fonts (even Wingdings!) but if it doesn't fit the material it's unreadable.

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