Birdwatching in the garden

Sharing this on here because I know there are other birdwatchers around, just had a great spotted woodpecker on my bird feeders in my back garden! Had my binoculars next to me so got a good look Heart eyes

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  • My regulars are robins, blackbirds, blue ***, great ***, wood pigeons and magpies. Semi-regulars are coal ***, house sparrows, dunnocks, goldfinches, chaffinches, greenfinches, wrens, jays and collared doves. I can regularly hear chiffchaffs, blackcaps and lesser whitethroats as well but have never seen them in the garden. We've also had the sparrowhawk in, a heron land on the fence and a buzzard sitting in the tree at the back. I'm luck with the amount of birds around here, we're on the edge of the city with quite a few trees and overgrown land.
