A Bit Of Fun

Just a place for anyone to be silly, playful and whimsical. 

  • This place just seems to be silly, playful and whimsical.  If you want to do that sort of thing then I suggest you all go and start a thread for that purpose and leave us serious people to get on with doing serious things in serious ways.  Bah humbug !

  • Was that aimed at me? Or I should say my post. I did apologise to people and know I sounded grumpy. 

  • Hell no.  You silly goose!  This was my attempt at a wholly fresh piece of humour....sorry if it was "too soon" for you to view it independently....and in all fairness, this wasn't funny - but I tried!

    Sorry for any recoil or upset caused to you. x

  • No, you are wrong.  My life is freaking perfect and extremely simple in every respect.  I am perfect, measured and brilliant.  How dare you think it is OK to suggest otherwise !

    INSERT - OK, given the circumstances, not the most appropriate second attempt at humour, given the context, self-immolation  emoji.

  • Whereas now I have just upset you by taking it the wrong way.

    No Zoe - this is not true.  YOU have not upset me, I have upset myself for not being more careful.

  • I think we all worry about messing things up, along with the million other worries. Life is very complicated. Slight smile

  • I really don’t want you to be upset. Sorry I shouldn’t have said anything. That’s what confused me so much, after you had been reassuring and kind on my post. And I couldn’t work it out so thought I should ask. That’s the thing, I never know when to shut my mouth and I suppose for selfish reasons I asked so as not to sit there wondering about it all night. Whereas now I have just upset you by taking it the wrong way. I can see now it was just my idiotic brain running away with presumptions but that’s not fair on you. I don’t want to be someone that upsets the balance of the forum in anyway. I’ve been trying to contribute more instead of feeling sorry for myself that I feel like an outsider, and it feels like it’s working, but I also worry I’m going to mess it up. Anyway, I’m going to do something to show you that you really don’t need to be upset and I’m going to add you as a friend on here (when I work out how). And that is a big thing for me as I never do that, but I want to show you that there’s no hard feelings, and I like you as a member of this place. Of course there’s no pressure to accept it at all :) 

  • I really don’t want you to be upset. Sorry I shouldn’t have said anything. That’s what confused me so much, after you had been reassuring and kind on my post. And I couldn’t work it out so thought I should ask. That’s the thing, I never know when to shut my mouth and I suppose for selfish reasons I asked so as not to sit there wondering about it all night. Whereas now I have just upset you by taking it the wrong way. I can see now it was just my idiotic brain running away with presumptions but that’s not fair on you. I don’t want to be someone that upsets the balance of the forum in anyway. I’ve been trying to contribute more instead of feeling sorry for myself that I feel like an outsider, and it feels like it’s working, but I also worry I’m going to mess it up. Anyway, I’m going to do something to show you that you really don’t need to be upset and I’m going to add you as a friend on here (when I work out how). And that is a big thing for me as I never do that, but I want to show you that there’s no hard feelings, and I like you as a member of this place. Of course there’s no pressure to accept it at all :) 
