Do you like DVDs or digital viewings?

I personally love DVDs! :) 

I like the covers on the cases, some are really nice and there's Holo moving ones too. I have a Paddington DVD case like that ^^

I watch digital sometimes but not very much now. I find that paying for something like Netflix or Disney+ means I could have bought it on DVD dozens of times, so now I just try and buy the DVDs instead.

I have a LOT of DVDs :-) I'm trying to get into watching them more as I've got a lot of free time on my hands.


Some of my DVDs:

I was doing some sorting so got these out but I've got lots more :) 

  • I get you there lol :P 

    Always annoying when you need to change disc or if it freezes and it needs cleaning *shudders*

  • Frankly I don’t like the idea of something I buy digitally being lost because a service is cancelled or the drm stops working. So I prefer physical media but digital is useful from time to time.

  • Dvds for me.  Dvd I have Netflix but prefer dvds. Sit down each night and watch one. Tonights is Ratrace. Cracking. Thumbsup tone1Sunglasses

  • At least blu ray seems to have a bit of a more prominent place still. 

  • Dvds every time. It’s weird, I do have Netflix and now tv access via my phone but with House of Dragons I watched one ep that way before deciding I’d only enjoy it if I could just have the simplicity of putting discs in a player and watching on television. I’m old fashioned I suppose. But I sometimes just need reduced ambient complexity and the buzz of ‘online’ to recede a bit despite its near ubiquity on most modern lives. 

  • There was an online newspaper column that I saw the other week, in which the passionate writer raved about sorting out his DVD collection. But he made it sound like he was carefully, delicately removing bandages from Tutankhamun's trousers without daring to take a breath, as if he was handling the oldest of antiques. Smiley So, in 2023, apparently we're all supposed to think of DVDs as being something from the distant, cobwebbed past. *cries* Smiley

    TL;DR version: Modern life is rubbish.

  • The main problem for me with dvds is that you have to get up and physically change the disk, but with digital I can curl up in a nest on the sofa for hours. 

  • I love that you like Romeo + Juliet. Many people, understandably, often think that Shakespearean productions are basically a bunch of po-faced, mannered muppets declaiming long-winded and uber-serious nonsense...a lot like my posts and messages, in fact. But Shakespeare was a showman, an entertainer as much as a deep thinker, and that truth is often overlooked. So while Romeo + Juliet might be so flash, glam, modern and thrilling that it may seem very different to stilted and studied 'classic''s actually in the true Shakespearean spirit, and all the better for it.

  • For me, physical media always wins, I also have a large collection of movies too Blush

  • I like how available everything is on streaming services like Netflix, but you have to accept that they take things off all of the time. Sometimes you are banking on something being there and all of a sudden, it’s not. But I do like them anyway. Some things I have on dvd though so that I always have them (the extended editions of the lord of the rings for example).

    Also, you’ve got some good films there in my opinion (Shaun of the Dead and Anchorman in particular!).