Do you like DVDs or digital viewings?

I personally love DVDs! :) 

I like the covers on the cases, some are really nice and there's Holo moving ones too. I have a Paddington DVD case like that ^^

I watch digital sometimes but not very much now. I find that paying for something like Netflix or Disney+ means I could have bought it on DVD dozens of times, so now I just try and buy the DVDs instead.

I have a LOT of DVDs :-) I'm trying to get into watching them more as I've got a lot of free time on my hands.


Some of my DVDs:

I was doing some sorting so got these out but I've got lots more :) 

  • I used to have actual DVDs but now over 99% of my TV and movie collection has been downloaded and archived onto blank DVD discs. My last external DVD writer finally gave up after almost 15 years of frequent disc burning so it did very well.

    I have five Amazon disc binders with each one holding 400 discs however I really need to spend a few hours to sort it into alphabetical order as it takes a while to find a certain TV show or movie to watch!

  • haha I'm sure yopur grandkids are going to have lots of fun getting through them.

    When I was 4y.o. I discovered that my grandpa keeps in the attic boxes with books and notebooks from my mom's and her sibiling's school years. It was like treasure hunting.

  • I have an LG Blu-ray player but no BD discs - as it plays MKV, MP4 and AVI, 95% of my TV shows and movies are in those three formats. A few can't be played (either there's audio but no video or the format is incorrect and can't be played back) so I'll use the laptop for them.

  • I have an LG Blu-ray player but no BD discs - as it plays MKV, MP4 and AVI, 95% of my TV shows and movies are in those three formats. A few can't be played (either there's audio but no video or the format is incorrect and can't be played back) so I'll use the laptop for them.

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