Boxing day 2022


Today plan is to do some of my jigsaw puzzle. Also reading, puzzle books and colouring. Maybe journaling instead of Twitter. 

Need to write a letter to the samaritans. 

Only shop is open is Coop which have only what's left over as no delivery. 

Reducing the amount of spending on Instagram and pinterest. 

Sleepymiss writing to my pen friend. A nearly ago I've stopped writing to one. Absolutely a shame. Sending gifts and money did trigger anxiety. 

  • There had been a big buildup running up to today, my wife decided to invite my family for the afternoon. My anxiety had been building up over the last few weeks knowing that there would be 12 people in my house. I managed to stay in the kitchen mostly and I had an escape room where I could just go to for a few minutes when I needed to. The part I really struggled with was, my mother kept making me join in with group photos, she knows very well that I hate photos. The other low point was playing games, I stood firm with that one. Everyone there knows I’m autistic, why do I still get pressured into doing things that I’m not comfortable with?

  • I really dislike having my photo taken too, although it's partly because I don't photograph well if photos are taken indoors with a flash. I always blink and seem to end up looking drunk... or worse. 

    Playing party games (like charades) is something else I try to avoid too.

    Anyway, I'm glad you managed to spend most of the time in the safety of your kitchen, and that you also had the advantage of another room you could escape to.

  • I really dislike having my photo taken too, although it's partly because I don't photograph well if photos are taken indoors with a flash. I always blink and seem to end up looking drunk... or worse. 

    Playing party games (like charades) is something else I try to avoid too.

    Anyway, I'm glad you managed to spend most of the time in the safety of your kitchen, and that you also had the advantage of another room you could escape to.

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