What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

  • Hi, The thing I love most about my home is that, it’s for sale. This isn’t a negative statement. We have lived in the same village for 22 years and mostly enjoyed it. My wife and I were born 4 miles from where I live.

    we have decided to move to Cornwall and start a new chapter in our lives. I’ve been struggling to live in a neurotypical world for 55 years and now I know why I struggle it has made our minds up. We have found a house with outbuildings and 2 acres of woodland. It is about a two mile walk from the coast and has no neighbours within about 1/2 mile. Our plan is to convert two outbuildings into ’lets’ for autistic people a sort of autistic retreat, very quiet and obviously very autistic  friendly if that makes sense. An ideal place for people in burnout. A place where people can recharge. My wife is going to carry on as a district nurse and I’m going to concentrate on our project. That’s what is going to make me happy in my new home. 

  • That sounds like an amazing plan and I hope it all goes well. Moving and all the change it entails is scary, at least for me anyway. Reading this discussion has made me realise how much I need to move. When I thought of replying only negative things came to mind.

    I live in a village but I am surrounded by houses and it is so much noisier than it used to be. More families have moved in with noisy children, who run around screaming and shouting all the time. More people seem to be getting those yappy dogs, that make my life a misery with their incessant barking every time I step outside. My neighbours seem to have some sort of obsession with DIY and building work and there is always some kind of hammering and drilling going on. Why do builders have to leave their radio blaring at full volume the whole time. Even the local pub has become much noisier since new owners took over. 

    I would love to get away somewhere quiet and the autistic retreats you are setting up sounds like just the kind of thing I would like to stay in.

    Living somewhere like you have found, with no neighbours within 1/2 mile, sounds like my perfect dream. Sadly I think it is unattainable for me financially and the best I can hope for is quieter neighbours than where I am now.

  • I’m sorry to hear that you’re unhappy with your housing situation. I know what that’s like from past experience - it’s really stressful. I got very depressed and anxious when I was living in the city and housing I was unhappy with. I hate lots of noise and loud people too. I hope that you can find a way to move at some point. It’s so difficult at the moment - the rental sector is a total mess. My son is living abroad at the moment and is pretty much out of money - he might have to move back to the U.K. but he doesn’t know how on Earth he can find a place to live as everywhere is so expensive now and they all want massive deposits and a guarantor etc - and we can’t help him out as we are on a low income ourselves. 

    I hope you can find a way to move to somewhere more suited to your needs in time. Good luck 

  • I’m sorry to hear that you’re unhappy with your housing situation. I know what that’s like from past experience - it’s really stressful. I got very depressed and anxious when I was living in the city and housing I was unhappy with. I hate lots of noise and loud people too. I hope that you can find a way to move at some point. It’s so difficult at the moment - the rental sector is a total mess. My son is living abroad at the moment and is pretty much out of money - he might have to move back to the U.K. but he doesn’t know how on Earth he can find a place to live as everywhere is so expensive now and they all want massive deposits and a guarantor etc - and we can’t help him out as we are on a low income ourselves. 

    I hope you can find a way to move to somewhere more suited to your needs in time. Good luck 

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