What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

  • It’s a really interesting question isn’t it? It’s a nice thing to think about - so thanks for posting it on here Slight smile

    My home is in the countryside too - in a village. The windows at the back of my house look out on to fields and trees and I feel really lucky to have that. Home should be a place of safety and comfort - and much of the time it feels that way to me. However when my anxiety is really bad I sometimes feel the need to get out as my home can feel like a place where I’m stuck in a ‘groove’ of thinking that I cannot break free of - so getting out is also important to me when I feel like that. And then by the time I come home again I’m very tired and glad to get home and rest - so it can get that restless feeling out of my system. 

    Like you I have lots of favourite things in my home that make me happy - things I’ve collected over the years from antique fairs etc - I enjoy having them around me. My husband and son live with me and they’re the best thing about my home - without them I would not feel so safe and cosy in my home. I love my radio as it keeps me company if I wake up in the night - I learn a lot and discover new things from listening to the radio. I love having access to music too through Apple Music and I connect it to my stereo so that the sound is really rich and beautiful. I have paintings on my wall that I’ve done too - I enjoy having them around me as it reminds me that I can be productive and make something that’s worthwhile (it’s very important to be reminded of this when I’m feeling low). I also love my bed of course! And on my bedside table I have a selection of books that I can turn to for all sorts of interesting and soothing things. I have some Buddha statues that are there to remind me what’s important in life, and what’s not really important too. I love my hot water bottle too - it’s very comforting to have that. 

    I also have a garden and love watching the birds in the garden. I realise how fortunate I am to have a garden and even like pegging out the washing on the line because it’s very peaceful as beyond the garden there is only a farm so it’s really quiet most of the time. 

  • Sounds idyllic, Kate. Lovely description. Hot water bottle is a good call too, I love getting into the time of year where that's needed and appreciated. Though I've just acquired an electric blanket, so that might take its place.

  • I’ve often thought of getting an electric blanket too. Am I right though that you have to turn it off when you get into bed? 

Reply Children
  • I used to really relate to that fairy tale when I was little. I believed I would be able to pass that test and feel the pea. Now I know why!

    I couldn't tolerate an electric blanket as a child, as I could feel all the wires. I couldn't even tolerate flannelette sheets, due to the 'bobbles' on the fabric.

    If you do decide to get one it is peak time and highest prices currently. I just checked on Amazon and the one I have is currently 4 times the price I paid during the summer. Not much help for this winter but unsurprisingly the cheapest time to buy one is generally during a heatwave.

  • Thanks. I’m feeling very tempted to get one. Would definitely need a fleece cover - I’m very sensitive to any kind of discomfort (like that story: ‘the princess and the pea’ Blush). 

  • I got one a few years ago and I love it. I wouldn't be without it now.

    Modern ones have timers, so that they will switch off automatically after the length of time you set it for. There is no need to turn it off when you get into bed. I usually switch mine on for one hour before bed and then another hour once I get into bed.

    If you are sensitive to textures, as many autistic people are, you might want to opt for one with a removable fleece cover attached. That way you won't be able to feel the hard wires quite as much through the blanket.