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Nemechek Protocol, Don't Accept It!

Recently I were asked about something called "The Nemechek Protocol", after researching it I can confirm it is just another money scam as we've had people do in the past. There's numerous arousing issues surrounding it.

It is by Patrick Nemechek, he has named it after himself saying it's a "cure", we know there is no known cure to autism.

In his book's title "Autism and Other Developmental Disorders", he has highlighted "Autism" as it is the fastest growing disability in the world, the more the world's awareness increases, the more people we find diagnosed. His money depends on how many patients he receives, and how many people purchase his book.

On the front cover he uses 4 jigsaw pieces put together with his title, this clearly intends to represent something broken put back together, especially since he says autistic people need their brain repairing. This demonstrates Patrick Nemechek is a discriminatory ableist.

Nemechek makes the claim autism is the result of vaccinations like Andrew Wakefield and J. F. Hardley, he claims another cause is "Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth" (SIBO), and that autism has nothing to do with genes. We have overwhelming evidence that proves his claims false, and we know there is no known cause of autism.

Nemechek actually has no qualifications or certifications in the areas he talks about, he is only qualified as a medicine specialist. His protocol lacks clinical support, there is no peer reviews, and it has not been medically researched. All other scientists are actually against numerous claims inside his book.

In the past his medicine killed people with HIV shortening their lifespan. In 2010 he was caught in a court case plagiarising articles and works by other scientists, and was found by human health services violating the rules and regulations of how to conduct studies and research.

On his online community he tells parents to stop giving their children the medication they've been prescribed and take his protocol instead, even though he does not know the person's medical state or medical history.

The NHS advise not to accept medicines that claim to "cure" Autism, that involve words like "miracle", that can be done by anyone without medical training or education, that cost money. You can find more on the NHS's website on the page about fake medicines. 

Again, please don't use the Nemechek Protocol on yourself or children, only accept what has been recommended by the NHS, not one size fits all books from Amazon. 


Nemechek’s deceit

This is not the first time

Fake treatments

Nemechek’s violations

ABA Publication Bias (ABA vs Nemechek)

  • Has anyone actually read the book? I have read it from front to back back twice and Patrick Nemechek is not the first doctor in the world to say SIBO and ASD are connected, here is a peer reviewed article from Springer [link removed by moderator]

    Let's just break down what he is saying - he is saying that if you lower inflammation then this can help GI issues - the gut and the brain are connected - again he is not the first person to ever say this either here is highly cited article in Elsevier:[link removed by moderator]

    So what he is saying is that you can add to your diet, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Omega 3 and Prebiotic - all of these things are natural. EVOO is medically proven to lower inflammation and good for general health, Omega 3 is proven for brain health and is naturally occuring in salmon - i do not like fish but I take Omega 3 to help my brain and prebiotics which is made from chicory. He is not asking you to take any of these things over the normal RDA. 

    Now that you know this - can we review that is wrong? I told my doctor about this and whilst she wasn't raving about it she also didn't tell me i should not add EVOO or stop giving him omega 3, why? because even normal vitamins for kids contain omega 3 and there is nothing wrong in taking them. Prebiotics are naturally occurring in things like porridge and bananas - so nothing weird here either. 

    Overall - if you create a balance between your gut health and your brain health then you feel better about yourself and you can function, so if we can help all people with this and those with ASD what is the problem? 

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