# Daily Updates 2022 #

Another member used to do these but it's been ages so I thought I would create a new one as the last seemed full and long :) 

Here we can do daily updates good and bad. I guess it'll be like a virtual diary and we can offer each other support. It helps to talk and be open.

My daily update today is that I've had a quiet day. I didn't go out. I did a lot of reading and went in the garden, but it was hot so I came back in lol. I've listened to a lot of music as well, mostly 1D today.

Hoping tomorrow might be a bit more eventful.

  • Overall, it was a much cooler day temperature wise. Still too hot for my liking, but far more bearable. As a result. I managed to get in the garage for a while to continue with a woodworking project. My aim is to stay a new project tomorrow. I’m even planning a walk this evening to get out for a bit, which is a bit of a change of pace from the past week or so.

  • Overall, it was a much cooler day temperature wise. Still too hot for my liking, but far more bearable. As a result. I managed to get in the garage for a while to continue with a woodworking project. My aim is to stay a new project tomorrow. I’m even planning a walk this evening to get out for a bit, which is a bit of a change of pace from the past week or so.

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