What job to you want most

Growing up we all have that one job that we want most and sometimes we think of something new when we're bit older. My dream job growing up and still now is to be a nurse. I've always found this so interesting and I'd love to do it. It's obviously not going to happen but it's good to dream.

  • My husband is autistic too and he ideally would work as a writer and artist, my son says maybe a marine biologist. 

  • I agree with you - it’s nice to see positive posts like this and lovely to read the answers. I always wanted to be an artist - and I am an artist :) 

  • Thanks...I try to keep it light. My Sister has autism too - and I suggest to her... don't become a victim...even if you don't have autism, you will come up against ignorant people. Just don't turn yourself into a victim...help  yourself as much as you can...go for what you want as much as you can.Grinning  

  • I wanted to something in the IT industry or Digital Arts creating animations and assets in blender (Animation software) but other than the online tutorials their are not  any courses in my area of Norfolk that allow adults. all the courses are age locked under 23s. If i could gain these skills i could work independently and create content.  

    When I was forced on an animal care course when i was 16 and thought i wanted to be a vet before i realised all they practically do euthanize animals.

    Now im feeling lost again, because after doing so many dodge apprenticeships, Traineeships, work schemes and work experience which seemed to only exploit me.

    I am taking My GCSE in english and Maths as and Adult to get on to a course they promised would be taking next year but unfortunately i was miss informed and the courses isn't going to take place. I've been offered a 4 month traineeship but my gut instinct is telling me it's going to waste my time and disappoint me.      

  • I wanted to be a scientist.  Now i still dream about being a scientist but I seem to focus more in on health (physical, mental and spiritual) and the environment.  My degree, however, is in computing and IT.

  • I find your last very positive, 99% of posts here is all doom and gloom if you haven't noticed, unless we make an attempt in dispersing them Smiley we come here to get help, not to ge more gloom, am I right? at  the particular moment in my life I feel like one of those who could attempt massive dispersal Smiley

  • I really wanted to be what I do now making animations - but ASD keeps getting me kicked out of jobs I get...cos up until now I didn't understand I had it. (Sorry, not trying to bring the tone of the overall post down) I think it will be different now I know I have it. Slight smile

  • Grey Eminence, cardinal Richelieu style Smiley

  • Well let's see I always dreamt of being an archaeologist went to drama school so only really made sense that I became a scaffolder.... adhd+add+autism logic Rofl

  • I’d need support and guidance too for this, but it is something that I think I would find fascinating. I too enjoy researching and I think the idea of preserving a historical artefact and allowing it to be studied and understood is something I’d love to get into. I really enjoy museums, so to work in one (ideally hidden away in the back!) would be wonderful. 

  • I would love to, with support and guidance, help in restoring historic artefacts and do some research into the item and its history, I love researching 

  • This is a good question to think about.

    I’m lucky to have a job that I love, but sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to do something that links in to some of my specific interests and that would allow me to focus on a single task at a time. I really like the idea of artefact restoration in a museum. Something quite specific like that really interests me. I also saw of a shop that makes hand made wooden globes of the world and that fascinates me too. Potentially quite an odd answer, but then again, it’s what interests me.

  • Hey! That's really cool. You totally got this, good luck!

  • Police Officer, I have always been drawn to the police and I am determined to make it happen