Weekend Plans?

I'm always good at making plans and then... not keeping to them!  So, in what will likely be an "in vain" effort to hold myself accountable, this is what I plan to do this weekend:-

Play Elden Ring - I had a massive burnout earlier in the week, I'm owed play time

Make a spreadsheet - Elden Ring is big, I'm a collector, I want to get all the shiny loot, I need to track it!

I suppose I better go and get food - that'll be a first thing tomorrow morning job to try and minimise my exposure to "people".  If I'm smart I'll go today for the boys (cats) food, since the shop opens a lot later, but then again I'm not renowned for that trait, and it means people.  We'll see...

I have to be an adult and get some documents sorted, shouldn't take too long though

I need to scan a few weeks of tarot readings so I have space to do this weeks reading.  Been meaning to do that for the last 2-3 weeks so we'll see how successful that is!

I'm sure housework and other chores should be featuring but that really would be kidding myself!

Anyone up to anything?

  • I hope your okay after your burn out, enjoy playing and have a good weekend.

    My weekend will probably be cleaning, clearing up and if I'm lucky five minutes to have some me time :) oh and I've got to take the rotten car for its mot.

  • Yes, Bex. Hopefully, the car will come through. 

    I don't head out much, during the weekend, but will return the undies my Artist Friend lent me on Wednesday night. Head over tomorrow. 

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