Why can't NTs ever answer a straightforward question with a straightforward answer?

God, it's like getting blood out of a stone sometimes!

Usually what happens is, I'm having a conversation, one of them says something confusing. I ask what they mean and they either ask another question, or make fun of me, or stare blankly. The more I ask for clarification, the weirder they get. It's like they're playing a game.

So I usually just give up and shut up.

Why is it so frigging difficult to answer a straightforward question??

  • Because some people like to play power games and then, when you get it wrong, reinforce their oneupmanship by referring to some kind of universal law about "common sense" or "general knowledge".  A clear explanation could have prevented any of this.  

  • It's cause there still technically Neanderthal and they feel threatened by interlect. NTs have a complexed brain than us making them the less supior being. But cause there's more of them and less of us they think that's why there normal ones. It's like how witches use to be burnt at the steak back in medevil times because they were educated women rather than witches. But people with tiny minds can't compete with us so they box us into catorgys and try and make us look stupid when actually they are.

  • These days though, I'm more likely to be edged out of the door at work, via redundancy or increasingly uncomfortable situations.  I get the feeling that the underlying dynamics are the same and, in bygone days, would have seen me either burnt or runout of town. 

  • Yes, offices are exactly like that.

    I find if you have one 'bad apple' in a work place, it infects the rest of them and they all turn bitchy. Especially if the bad apple is the boss! It creates a toxic workplace.

    If you have a good, nice boss, the workplace will be fairly friendly.

    Most of the time I'm glad I'm a freelancer and keep away from the pack mentality of workplaces. But it is lonely.

  • Same here about all of that.

    Yes, offices are like playgrounds but more efficient. I can't imagine who enjoys that atmosphere. Not me.

  • Cleeky and bitchy I imagine in office's. Be where of the college it bites thats all I'd say. I just try and avoid work gossip and get on with the job at hand least if I'm busy I haven't got a reason to talk to anyone. I don't mind if there just having genral chit chat but as soon as the bitching starts I'm not interested and keep my head down. I listen in incase here I here any thing useful but think of work as a hunting ground. Your the prey and the college's are the preditors. It's survival of fittest to get to the top of food chain and everyone is competing for next position. Even if your not interested in being promoted because you just want a basic job still doesn't mean they won't go out of there to throw there weight around and assert dominace though. NTs in the work place are usually ass holes 

  • Yes, I tend to function better in education/caring roles.  Office work just slowly destroys me.  It took me a long time to escape though, and move towards self employment.  Office work often feels to me just like the school yard, except they've subtilised their methods. 

  • I found working in caring situations like schools and colleges were better for me, because people were nicer. In run of the mill offices, people were devious and into office politics, jockeying for position all the time. Which isn't safe for autistic people.

  • Exactly.  Most workplaces just aren't safe for me.  I actually think it's them not me, but of course they're in the majority.  

  • JennyButterfly.

    Same here at my workplaces, I used to get that.

Reply Children
  • Yes, offices are exactly like that.

    I find if you have one 'bad apple' in a work place, it infects the rest of them and they all turn bitchy. Especially if the bad apple is the boss! It creates a toxic workplace.

    If you have a good, nice boss, the workplace will be fairly friendly.

    Most of the time I'm glad I'm a freelancer and keep away from the pack mentality of workplaces. But it is lonely.

  • Same here about all of that.

    Yes, offices are like playgrounds but more efficient. I can't imagine who enjoys that atmosphere. Not me.

  • Cleeky and bitchy I imagine in office's. Be where of the college it bites thats all I'd say. I just try and avoid work gossip and get on with the job at hand least if I'm busy I haven't got a reason to talk to anyone. I don't mind if there just having genral chit chat but as soon as the bitching starts I'm not interested and keep my head down. I listen in incase here I here any thing useful but think of work as a hunting ground. Your the prey and the college's are the preditors. It's survival of fittest to get to the top of food chain and everyone is competing for next position. Even if your not interested in being promoted because you just want a basic job still doesn't mean they won't go out of there to throw there weight around and assert dominace though. NTs in the work place are usually ass holes 

  • Yes, I tend to function better in education/caring roles.  Office work just slowly destroys me.  It took me a long time to escape though, and move towards self employment.  Office work often feels to me just like the school yard, except they've subtilised their methods. 

  • I found working in caring situations like schools and colleges were better for me, because people were nicer. In run of the mill offices, people were devious and into office politics, jockeying for position all the time. Which isn't safe for autistic people.

  • Exactly.  Most workplaces just aren't safe for me.  I actually think it's them not me, but of course they're in the majority.