Receiving presents

Nothing quite beats another package coming through the post. Money Mouth

  • Is that a package that you have ordered yourself? Ordering myself something is often exciting. Normaly its been preceded by much research. Sometimes though I find it hard to get used to something new. Either a CD, clothing or something that I have never had before. If the package is a suprise from someone then it can take quite a bit of getting used to. I can get quite anxious and start thinking how it will 'fit into my life', 'do I want it?' and 'what do I say to the sender?'.

  • Is that a package that you have ordered yourself? Ordering myself something is often exciting. Normaly its been preceded by much research. Sometimes though I find it hard to get used to something new. Either a CD, clothing or something that I have never had before. If the package is a suprise from someone then it can take quite a bit of getting used to. I can get quite anxious and start thinking how it will 'fit into my life', 'do I want it?' and 'what do I say to the sender?'.

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