Is there a type of autistic person interested in words?

The stereotyped autistic person is obsessed with maths, science, technology, but I wondered if there is another type who is obsessed with words, correcting word mistakes, dictionaries, learning new words etc. A Word Nerd.

I am a proud Word Nerd, I have zero interest or skills in maths, science, technology. It is a reason I didn't even consider I was autistic until I was in my 40s/50s- I wasn't a computer geek, so I couldn't be autistic, could I?

What do you think?

  • I’m sure there are plenty of linguistics nerds out there. After all the number of conlangs like lojban attest to this.

    for myself I’d like to remind people that maths is very much about the abstract concept of numbers not arithmetic. Arithmetic is knowing 2+2=4. Maths is knowing why 2+2=4. A lot of really good mathematicians suck at mental arithmetic.

  • Hopefully there are! Hopefully I'll meet some and get away from the 'autistic people are all computer geeks' label.

    I've no idea about maths of any type and couldn't care less about them. That's the heart of the matter- I have zero interest in any type of maths, I like words.

  • Hopefully there are! Hopefully I'll meet some and get away from the 'autistic people are all computer geeks' label.

    I've no idea about maths of any type and couldn't care less about them. That's the heart of the matter- I have zero interest in any type of maths, I like words.

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