What would happen if every single person on Earth simply disappeared?

Not dead, simply gone, just like that. How would suburban pets fare without people to feed them? How would the forests, the oceans and the wildlife react if there was suddenly an end to all the hunting, fishing and farming? After being on the receiving end of humanity for millennia, nature would finally be given a chance to take the world back. But how would it work? How long would the skyscrapers and houses last if they were abandoned? 

Aftermath: Population Zero - The World without Humans

This is a fascinating documentary. It's quite long, but extremely interesting. What would happen if, tomorrow, every single person on Earth simply disappeared? “Aftermath” is the astounding story of a world that humans will never see. The two-hour special examines the impact of human beings on this planet by proposing what the Earth might be like without people.

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  • Apparently there is a wildlife sanctuary at Chernobyl now, full of those Przwaleski horses. No idea how to spell that. I don't know if the horses arrived by themselves or zoologists put them there, but they are thriving and scientists are studying them. There is a documentary about it.

  • Chernobyl (Pripyat) is much worse than it should be - the buildings have been vandalised, doors broken, windows smashed, fires set etc.     It would be in much better condition today but weather penetration and ongoing looting and trashing makes it look worse.