Self respect

For all those struggling with relationships - please remember to exercise self respect as well as trying to help your partner.

I've shared one article below - but the ads might be triggering for some.  You can easily find others.

I know things are complicated - and people whether autistic or not shouldn't mask for their partners - but tolerating some things as either an autistic person or not is not possible without damaging ourselves.

  • Former Member I'm so glad you posted this. All these qualities I can see in one of my friends. She's one of the most fantastic people I know and I've learned a lot from her. She doesn't look to anyone or antything for happiness or validation but finds it within herself. Her phrase is "know your worth" and she also talks very highly of herself. She doesn't show off but knows her strengths. This is a great article Adele,  thank you.  

  • Former Member I'm so glad you posted this. All these qualities I can see in one of my friends. She's one of the most fantastic people I know and I've learned a lot from her. She doesn't look to anyone or antything for happiness or validation but finds it within herself. Her phrase is "know your worth" and she also talks very highly of herself. She doesn't show off but knows her strengths. This is a great article Adele,  thank you.  

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