MBTI personality test

Has anyone here done the MBTI personality test? The link is here:


I am INFP-T and the description fits me perfectly. I think there is some truth to it, the personality types do reveal a lot of character traits of a person. I'm usually quite good at guessing friends' MBTI types.

  • "It seems to me that ND's are more similar to each other than NT's are to each other if you know what I mean?"


    My own view (or guess) is that different NTs are about as similar to each other as different NDs are. But then you could well be right here.

  • Definitely it will be, I'm fine with it I'm sure she will be too. It won't be until later she has some business meeting.

    I would think there would be a lot of differences between NT and ND people but then similarities between ND's, but I there would more variety between lots of different NT's.

    It seems to me that ND's are more similar to each other than NT's are to eachother if you know what I mean?

  • That'd be really interesting. If you find out and she/you don't mind sharing, it'd be cool to hear how similar or different your respective results are Slight smile

  • Yeah I like that, I'm gonna get my mum to do it she's NT and very very extroverted and different than me in many ways, I think she'll be the complete opposite of mine what ever that may be. Joy

  • "But this test is different than that it comes from a different angle of how your personality effects you day to day and its quite detailed too."

    Yes, indeed.

    I found it fascinating to read about the other types too. It definitely made it easier for me to better understand/make sense of why other people behave differently to me in a certain situation. ...and that meant I felt more at peace when someone did or said something that might otherwise seem odd to me.

  • Yeah I've always felt the same too I've only just been diagnosed with ASD (I'm 22 now) and that's answered a lot of questions I had about myself that I've never been able to answer. Like why I've never fit in, why I'm just terrible with emotions and understanding other people etc etc.

    But this test is different than that it comes from a different angle of how your personality effects you day to day and its quite detailed too. It's piqued my interest a bit probably will look into Myers Briggs more.

  • "I think judging would depend of what you're judging though, not so much judging people I know I don't but judging situations, judging solutions to problems makes more sense."

    Yeah, that sounds about right, doesn't it Slight smile

    I found the Myers-Briggs to be really comforting. I'd always felt on the outskirts of friends groups, and taking the test (about 7 years go, now) helped me to understand that yes, I am quite different to most people but also, in the wider world, there are lots of people I'm quite similar to. That was really nice I found.

  • 4-6 is a pretty low percentage I would imagine that the types how are in the single digit percentages would be be made up a lot of ND people.

    I just typed in what mine stands for "introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging" which I think would be a good way to describe a lot of autistic people if you only had 4 words to describe them, I think judging would depend of what you're judging though, not so much judging people I know I don't but judging situations, judging solutions to problems makes more sense.

    Quite interesting I never knew about these types of personalities or this test or even heard of Myers Briggs until now.

  • I come out as INFP.

    INFP seem to make up around 4-6% of people who take the test. More females seem to get the INFP typing than males. I'm born male, and I'm a bit non-binary. It seems like INFP males make up about 1-1.5% of the population.

    I gather 'intuitive' results are, in general, rarer than 'sensing/observing' types.

    In the various people I've known who have gone through the test, it seems that all people with 'intuitive' types have had some degree of neurodivergency about them, which has interested me to note.

  • I got the "architect INTJ-T" its describes me really well.

    I think the overall description of that type of personality is quite an autistic one not sure about the others but mine described me very accurately. Apparently it's one of the rarest ones? How rare are your ones, anyone who took the test?


  • ENTP-T apparently. not that I put a lot of store in these things these days.

  • I'm INFP-T as well. And yes, I find the description fits me closely. It's been a useful guide for in accepting strengths/weaknesses and in assessing my capabilities and possible limitations in certain areas. 

    I may have a bunch of traits that overlap with Aspie traits, but ... it seems that I'm more leaning towards the ADHD/bipolar/EUPD side of things.

    I have a close family member who had an INFJ-T result. The interesting thing with him is that he seems to better fit an Aspie/autism profile than I do. This result is interesting as he's always been emotionally distant and doesn't find it at all easy to emotionally bond with most people - and yet I've known for a long time that he's tended to be driven by emotions (rather than straight out logic) in most of the the things he does.

    So, with him, the write up on the INFJ-T looks, on the surface, to be a bit strangely matched to him, and yet, under the surface, it seems like it's on the right lines.