Challenging public policy and gagging orders

There's an interresting piece in the Guardian about the potential reluctance of charities to challenge public policy due to a fear of losing contracts with local or national governments or due to gagging clauses placed within those contracts - here:(

Can the NAS confirm whether there are any gagging orders in any of its contracts with local authorities, councils, national bodies or other public institutions?

  • quote Paull "NAS cares more about its own self preservation than it does about helping those with autism"

    Number One rule off the Ancient Invisible Order, preserve the order AT ANY COSTS. This is the zealous stuff that put the world into satanic orders, be it religious, monarch, mason gang, privy, order of the order etc,, no one sacrifices there position with love. So that is why the autism NAS will never reach out, it is a psuedo snake word service abstract, were are the results of function.

    Micheal, thank you for the information of the board, some list Foot in Mouth,  and you and Joe Bloke are not on it, NO surprize there, as we only exist on the "surf"  level. One day you may be invited to the high echelons of the NAS privy circle.

    Forgive me folks,  my heart is covered in hate, anger and fear, because I stepped on a *** called the hanging truth and don't like the smell of mankind. I seek, in my heart now, one day the sun will rise the way it shines th isis day. Kiss

  • quote Paull "NAS cares more about its own self preservation than it does about helping those with autism"

    Number One rule off the Ancient Invisible Order, preserve the order AT ANY COSTS. This is the zealous stuff that put the world into satanic orders, be it religious, monarch, mason gang, privy, order of the order etc,, no one sacrifices there position with love. So that is why the autism NAS will never reach out, it is a psuedo snake word service abstract, were are the results of function.

    Micheal, thank you for the information of the board, some list Foot in Mouth,  and you and Joe Bloke are not on it, NO surprize there, as we only exist on the "surf"  level. One day you may be invited to the high echelons of the NAS privy circle.

    Forgive me folks,  my heart is covered in hate, anger and fear, because I stepped on a *** called the hanging truth and don't like the smell of mankind. I seek, in my heart now, one day the sun will rise the way it shines th isis day. Kiss

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