Work struggles

Hi, I hear autistic people can do well in a job, but I also fear they can tragically fail. I'm reading about being absent minded, lost in their own world, not taking things in easily, gaps in skills, abrupt and aggresive, I have identified with all these. I also read about focus and precision, time reliably and good work ethic. Sadly I identify more with the first, but I also have nounerous mental health problems and very traumatic childhood. 

Still, which positives and negatives have autistic people with at the workplace? I'm currently on disability benefits, but I wonder what is the general experience of people with mental health problems at the workplace?

Please sign some light! 

  • For me the only good thing about employment is earning money! I find communication, interaction, relationships etc so difficult. I don't have a diagnosis of autism, I'm somewhere in the process but I know that it's hard to diagnose adults. I've been dismissed from jobs so many times I've lost count and even places that I've volunteered for have asked me to stop! I'm trying to accept myself at the moment, rather than getting frustrated at and fixated on my many shortcomings but I can't say that I've had many managers who were understanding or accommodating. Sadly I've also had trouble understanding and accommodating myself and would never have thought to ask for reasonable adjustments in a workplace, frightened of getting the sack yet again. I'm sorry to be so negative. I do have an understanding employer at the moment :-) who has autistic family members.

  • you're doing well stay where u are !  get your diagnosis it may  help you  ----- i think u have found a good employer  which is a rarity 

  • I'm hoping to stay where I am for as long as possible! I recently got a second job (they are both part time) and I'm really not doing well in that job and looking for another one that has working conditions that suit me better. No team working for me, thank you very much!

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