# Daily Updates #

just a space for people can say what they have been doing today so we can keep up and in touch

  • I slept through yesterday! After work I was so... not anxiety or depression - kinda both but not... I know that's not clear but I really can't describe the feeling.  A bit like my brain kept running headfirst into brick walls all day.  I had to apply for a role I really want at work and I couldn't be bothered to mask so the application is all me.  I doubt I'll even get an interview but I'm not totally desperate to move on yet.  My manager has been really helpful so I really shouldn't worry but.  just the act of putting myself out there is so anxiety-inducing.

    Took one of my cat's cats to the vet today.  He turned up looking all lethargic and ill - he didn't even try to bite when I put him in the carrier.  He's only partly socialised so he puts up with people around but doesn't like us touching him so the fact he didn't argue made me more worried.  He's had some cuts cleaned up and an antibiotic and painkillers and he's perked up a bit now.  He's going to be quite annoyed when he realises he can't go out again for a bit.

    Had a nap afterwards but I'm still all jittery and useless and I can't concentrate on anything.

  • I slept through yesterday! After work I was so... not anxiety or depression - kinda both but not... I know that's not clear but I really can't describe the feeling.  A bit like my brain kept running headfirst into brick walls all day.  I had to apply for a role I really want at work and I couldn't be bothered to mask so the application is all me.  I doubt I'll even get an interview but I'm not totally desperate to move on yet.  My manager has been really helpful so I really shouldn't worry but.  just the act of putting myself out there is so anxiety-inducing.

    Took one of my cat's cats to the vet today.  He turned up looking all lethargic and ill - he didn't even try to bite when I put him in the carrier.  He's only partly socialised so he puts up with people around but doesn't like us touching him so the fact he didn't argue made me more worried.  He's had some cuts cleaned up and an antibiotic and painkillers and he's perked up a bit now.  He's going to be quite annoyed when he realises he can't go out again for a bit.

    Had a nap afterwards but I'm still all jittery and useless and I can't concentrate on anything.
