Is Harry Potter a fraud?

My 2am musings:

As ITV have recently shown all the Harry Potter films, I made time to watch them all in sequence.    I studied them closely but I fail to see him as a wizard.     All the magic that happens is either given to him or done to him.    The only thing you ever see him do for himself is shoot people with his Phazer-wand – which was given to him.

Hermione does all the donkey-work magic while Harry gets all the fame.

Am I missing something?

  • JK Rowling stole from JRR Tolkien. I will die on this hill. Always preferred Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter.

  • 2 different sub genres Harry Potter is family fantasy in modern setting Lotr is high fantasy in a medieval like setting 

    I do prefer lotr though it has a better plot over all where as Harry Potter is 7 stories with a plot arc LOTR is one story split into 3 parts across 6 books or perhaps 6 parts across 3 books since this is the way it's mostly published 

  • 2 different sub genres Harry Potter is family fantasy in modern setting Lotr is high fantasy in a medieval like setting 

    I do prefer lotr though it has a better plot over all where as Harry Potter is 7 stories with a plot arc LOTR is one story split into 3 parts across 6 books or perhaps 6 parts across 3 books since this is the way it's mostly published 

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