Is Harry Potter a fraud?

My 2am musings:

As ITV have recently shown all the Harry Potter films, I made time to watch them all in sequence.    I studied them closely but I fail to see him as a wizard.     All the magic that happens is either given to him or done to him.    The only thing you ever see him do for himself is shoot people with his Phazer-wand – which was given to him.

Hermione does all the donkey-work magic while Harry gets all the fame.

Am I missing something?

  • sorry about the acidental duplicate post I havr been franticaly trying to deleate the duplicate and it just keeps coming up with eror. I pressed it once and it wouldnt send so I pressed it a couple of times and the second time it finaly sent 

  • I'm getting the same issue - written some long replies on another thread (twice), checked I was online when sending the reply and it takes forever and dissapears, loosing the whole response.


  • I'm getting the same issue - written some long replies on another thread (twice), checked I was online when sending the reply and it takes forever and dissapears, loosing the whole response.


  • thanks you two. I didnt know it was a common or widespread issue its only today that Iv had the problom. also on some  ocasions any comments iv tryed to send today just wont send and just says the issues been logged for the administrator and then I wait and then it lets me send a comment but I woud have to get rid of the writing then write again or reload the page and write