Is Harry Potter a fraud?

My 2am musings:

As ITV have recently shown all the Harry Potter films, I made time to watch them all in sequence.    I studied them closely but I fail to see him as a wizard.     All the magic that happens is either given to him or done to him.    The only thing you ever see him do for himself is shoot people with his Phazer-wand – which was given to him.

Hermione does all the donkey-work magic while Harry gets all the fame.

Am I missing something?

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  • you are correct. but just so you know the post is very old and hadnt been commented for 5 years and ideally shouldnt of been bumped up but im guessing you  wouldnt of known this. just in case you arnt aware we arnt allow to advertise on the forum and its not christmas either so might be wise to remove the link with the advertisement details below