Tea or coffee?

I’m just finishing my 3rd coffee of the day (I really need to cut down again!) and just wondered what hot drink other people prefer? Are you a coffee drinker or do you prefer tea or perhaps you like herbal tea (good flavour recommendations welcome!) or something else? How do you take your tea/coffee/other. I drink strong black coffee with no milk or sugar but with half cold water due to sensitive gums; I don’t drink tea but do drink herbal teas depending on the flavour, lemon, ginger and manuka honey is a current favourite but peppermint and liquorice is a recent fail on the herbal tea front!

  • Milk above all, but if we are just talking tea or coffee, it would have to be tea.

    Strong tea, two sugars, and with milk. I keep it simple. Quickbrew tea bags.

    Can't drink coffee at all, makes me shake, sweat, and feel like ***.

    I drink herbal teas occasionally. I like ginger and sorrel mix, or limeflower. My ex got me into a lot of the Carribean teas, those are my two favourites. Dalgety is the best brand imo, they do a lot of flavours.

    This is the boss of herbal teas imo. Cheap too.

  • You and your milk is on a par with you and your biscuits! How many get dunked in a drink of milk? 

    One teabag or two?

    Im sure that the caffeine content of a cup of tea is comparable to that in a cup of coffee, yet you’re not the first person I know of who can drink tea yet reacts badly to coffee! I wonder why that is, what are they adding to the coffee that I don’t know about?

    Thank you for the herbal tea tip, the sorrel, hibiscus and ginger looks good! I’m going to have to hunt that down and try it!

  • One teabag or two?

    One but strong, left for a while.

    I wonder why that is, what are they adding to the coffee that I don’t know about?

    Last cup of coffee I had was some real expensive stuff at a friends house, some stuff where the beans cost a fortune. Wasn't far off banging a line of coke up my nose. I don't want to feel like I'm on cocaine! I look at the caffeine content of some of that Starbucks stuff. For the price and the amount of stimulation it gives, people might as well go and buy a rock!

    Thank you for the herbal tea tip, the sorrel, hibiscus and ginger looks good! I’m going to have to hunt that down and try it!

    It's real fruity. Makes for real good ice tea too!

  • Sorted for Es and Whizz! :)

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