What is the function of the NAS?

Just that. Please help me understand better. 

  • The moderators usually post advice on posts which are a cause for concern i.e. a call for help. They seem to all be holiday or something this week .... 

  • No they don't. The moderators usually post when there is a 'revenue stream' (parent) posting asking for help.

    If you are #actuallyautistic and an adult you are denied support, representation, RESPECT and ultimately as a cohort our opinions and experiences are reduced to whatever suits their needs.

    WE have no voice. NAS are controlled opposition.

  • Yes! I have observed the same. The moderators usually only reply to parents asking for help, they do not reply to actually #autisticadults who are seeking help. It is really unfair how they treat children and adults so differently. And I think it's the adults they actually need more support than children, since children get diagnosed and various forms support at a young age, the adults have been overlooked and ignored for tens of years. Their differential treatment is not bridging the gap, but they are widening the gap.

  • I agree. All children eventually become adults, and all adults have once been children. But a strict line is drawn regarding what age people will care for you....

  • I would have thought adults can be a useful resource for understanding children. But no. We’re not even valued for that. Yet I get on remarkably well with children on the spectrum. It’s not just me then? None of us lone adults are acknowledged? 

  • I would have thought adults can be a useful resource for understanding children. But no. We’re not even valued for that. Yet I get on remarkably well with children on the spectrum. It’s not just me then? None of us lone adults are acknowledged? 
