Temperature control

Does anyone else share my frustration with this? It doesn't matter what the temperature is, what time of year it is, or what clothes I have on - I am always either too hot or too cold. There is no comfortable temperature! It's always really bugged me. I'm constantly peeling off layers of clothing or wrapping myself back up. I'm posting this here because I'm not sure if this is autistic related e.g the sensory input. I also hate the feeling of most clothing material so this probably also plays a part. 

  • Not sure if this is the same thing you mean but my daughter (awaiting diagnosis)  has a higher body temp she averages 38.5 - 39c and gets really sweaty. Not pleasant when she actually gets a fever!

  • This is interesting, I've never looked into actual body temperature. This is probably touching "TMI" territory, but if I get too warm I get sweaty instantly. I wear sports deodorant which works well but it's my back which gets hot the most, so it doesn't help there (not tried putting deodorant there ha) but I get hot/itchy back all the time. My partner has also told me I have terrible night sweats but I imagine this is "normal female monthly hormone" related rather than sensory related (again, sorry for TMI)

  • This is interesting, I've never looked into actual body temperature. This is probably touching "TMI" territory, but if I get too warm I get sweaty instantly. I wear sports deodorant which works well but it's my back which gets hot the most, so it doesn't help there (not tried putting deodorant there ha) but I get hot/itchy back all the time. My partner has also told me I have terrible night sweats but I imagine this is "normal female monthly hormone" related rather than sensory related (again, sorry for TMI)

  • No worries, get what you mean on the hormones! Dread to think what daughter will be like then, she sweats so badly at night now (she's 8) but her dad is similar either really hot and sweaty or freezing cold! ( he is also undiagnosed)