DNA test to trace ancestry

Has anyone ever taken a DNA test that gives info about your ancestry and if so, what company did they use and would they recommend them, 

  • Thanks everyone. I'm not trying to trace family members or anything like that and I don't have a television so I don't know what they're advertising on there. But the thing I'm talking about is they can tell you you're ancestry, as in, they might say you're 36% British, 29% Irish and 20% West African etc

    It just sounds a bit of fun to me and apparently you do find a lot of second cousins so there is an option to trace your family tree and find family. I think all but one company has this as an option.

    I wouldn't be worried about them using my DNA for anything, I just think it will be interesting especially as no matter what country I go to (apart from Bali) the people from that country think I'm one of them! Lol! It happens to my son as well. We have dark skin and dark hair and somehow we look like natives of almost every foreign country we visit! So it would be interesting to see where exactly we do come from.

  • Oh I think I misunderstood thought you were looking for relatives. I must admit I don't know anything about the services that test that kind of genetics but good luck to you, must admit I have always wondered about my mums side of the family they are darker skinned with dak eyes and hair but have in England as far back as we could trace 

  • That's the thing that makes me curious, the dark eyes, skin and hair! Where the heck did we get them from? :) 

    I did start tracing my family tree, so I am somewhat interested in that as well but I was watching a YouTube video last night and the mother and daughter had taken one of these DNA tests and the results were very interesting, so it inspired me to do it and because there are about 5 companies doing it, I was just wondering if anyone here had any experience with them. There's a company called 123ancestry (or something like that) which I might go with. That or the ancestry one.  

  • You'd remember a V2000 the recorder was about as big as a car engine! The cassettes weren't much smaller, awesome quality though.

    No-one could maintain a V2000 they broke down real easy! Better to be good with plants than now defunct video formats!

  • I think I can remember that. Me and my sister used to do something, I can’t remember all the details, she can, but I can’t but that name, ‘V2000’ seems to ring a bell. Baring in mind I don’t have a tv or any of those kinds of things, I couldn’t maintain a V2000, but I’m good with plants :) 

  • We might even be descended from the V2000. Superior technically to everything, but a little temperamental and hard to maintain!

  • Oh yeah, I remember those things. I can’t say I watched many but I can remember them, my family used to watch them. 

  • Well, maybe norms are descended from the commercially successful but technically inferior VHS, whilst us muties are descended from Betamax?

  • Well, it’s intetesting, I’m just watching a YouTube video by a guy called gregg Bradon (something like that) and he’s talking about how I think! It’s fascinating. It turns out, most of the world don’t think like me but they can learn to, and when they do, that’s when they get happy. It’s all about how we think. I am a human afterall so I don’t think I come from dvd wherever or whatever that is. 

  • I'd guess you're descended from DVD :-).

  • Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for my results to come through if it's only us from the west who are doing it  :) 

    It's not true what you said about people in Africa though, it's not all third world, I have some very wealthy friends who live in Africa and other third world countries. And it's not an obsession for me, just an interest, not a special interest, more of a mild curiosity, and I wouldn't be upset if I didn't get round to doing it, but I reckon I will at some point. 

  • Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for my results to come through if it's only us from the west who are doing it  :) 

    It's not true what you said about people in Africa though, it's not all third world, I have some very wealthy friends who live in Africa and other third world countries. And it's not an obsession for me, just an interest, not a special interest, more of a mild curiosity, and I wouldn't be upset if I didn't get round to doing it, but I reckon I will at some point. 
