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Camel milk

please can anyone tell me has someone tried camel milk for autistic child

if you how useful it is?

where to get it from in UK?

  • Camels can help keep you alert while driving, reducing driving fatigue, therefore improving road safety. It's an old wives tale in Uzbekistan. Apparently the Mongols never crashed once.

  • The flammable ones are dangerous.

  • Well that's all new to me.......


  • I know it isn’t brilliant, but hey I am not a story writer, just me. Considering I have a dyslexic memory and just finding the right words can be a challenge I do ok. 

    There is a difference between expressing a concept, and writing it absolutely perfectly! I've read books, short stories, and poems, which have been written verbosely and grammatically correct, but they've been ***! Despite that story being a few paragraphs, it was great! If you can express a concept like that with brevity, I'd imagine if you sat for some time, you could flesh it out nicely. Creativity is a great release. If you enjoy it, maybe you should try starting a few stories with a brief concept (you seem to have a knack for it), then build on the ones you feel you can build more on.

    Dyslexia is a pretty misunderstood thing, I have a few dyslexic friends, my mom is also dyslexic, and they all vary from pretty smart, to really smart. I think that from what I've observed, they always find a way to improvise to find a way around things. My mom for instance colour codes everything, in both the jobs she worked at, they ended up adopting the colour codes for everyone, because it saved time. My friend owns two businesses, and is dyslexic. He is really talented with buying and selling. You are an engineer! I think if look at dyslexia and people who have it, they have to work to their own system to do things. That's a talent in itself. It's sort of like that with autism too.

    Now thats unusual for me to say. (Self worth)

    Being pleased with something is something to embrace. Self-depreciation is a good form of humour (I find it helps me take things less seriously), and humility is a nice thing to have. I don't see the harm in saying to "I did well there", or "I'm proud of that" when you do! Even if we only say it to ourselves. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about ourselves once in a while!

    I look for acceptance but I look carefully.

    I think that's something a lot of people should do. NT's included. I see a lot of people bending their sense of self just to have people around them. I think some friends fit together, and some just don't. The club mentality that people have as youngsters fades in most people, not all, but quite a lot. You find friends in strange places. You could meet someone who seems totally not your thing. If you get to know them for a while carefully, you find out they have similar values, interests, and all kinds of things that bind people together.

    I did ask if she felt a little bit like an alien observer watching the people go about thier robotic lives? Yes that is just how it feels she said.

    I feel like a detective sometimes. I will spot nearly everything, and remember too much. It makes my life hard at times. Watching people is difficult sometimes. Interacting too sometimes. It's hard to distance myself from that way of thinking. Sometimes though in that pool of prediction, or constant observation, I'll find something completely throws me out. I find it refreshing, other times I find comfort in some people's predictability. I guess you can view it two ways, predictability or stability. My most trusted friend is the most predictable guy I know, but he's also the most reliable and stable. I hope you have fun at your party. The best thing to do is remember, it's a Christmas party and everyone will be letting loose. Have a try at it yourself, no-one will care. They'll probably be too busy full of Christmas tipple.

    A bit of a long post but I just remembered something. My ex used to use a dictaphone. She's really creative, but a bit ADHD like. Her mind is like spaghetti. She has great ideas but can't remember them 5 minutes after. She started using one at uni to remember ideas for designs. Once she did she was coasting. She uses her phone now, last time I went I made a joke about how many files she had. She said laughing, "It's not a joke! Look!". She had folders full of recordings relating to her ideas. She runs her own business and still designs her own clothes. I thought that it might be good for your story ideas. Start with a concept, put the file somewhere in your computer in a folder, and flesh out the ideas by using the stuff you record. Then you can compile your ideas.

    I will see you on the mothership! Where is our destination?Wink

  • I know it isn’t brilliant, but hey I am not a story writer, just me. Considering I have a dyslexic memory and just finding the right words can be a challenge I do ok. 

    There is a difference between expressing a concept, and writing it absolutely perfectly! I've read books, short stories, and poems, which have been written verbosely and grammatically correct, but they've been ***! Despite that story being a few paragraphs, it was great! If you can express a concept like that with brevity, I'd imagine if you sat for some time, you could flesh it out nicely. Creativity is a great release. If you enjoy it, maybe you should try starting a few stories with a brief concept (you seem to have a knack for it), then build on the ones you feel you can build more on.

    Dyslexia is a pretty misunderstood thing, I have a few dyslexic friends, my mom is also dyslexic, and they all vary from pretty smart, to really smart. I think that from what I've observed, they always find a way to improvise to find a way around things. My mom for instance colour codes everything, in both the jobs she worked at, they ended up adopting the colour codes for everyone, because it saved time. My friend owns two businesses, and is dyslexic. He is really talented with buying and selling. You are an engineer! I think if look at dyslexia and people who have it, they have to work to their own system to do things. That's a talent in itself. It's sort of like that with autism too.

    Now thats unusual for me to say. (Self worth)

    Being pleased with something is something to embrace. Self-depreciation is a good form of humour (I find it helps me take things less seriously), and humility is a nice thing to have. I don't see the harm in saying to "I did well there", or "I'm proud of that" when you do! Even if we only say it to ourselves. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about ourselves once in a while!

    I look for acceptance but I look carefully.

    I think that's something a lot of people should do. NT's included. I see a lot of people bending their sense of self just to have people around them. I think some friends fit together, and some just don't. The club mentality that people have as youngsters fades in most people, not all, but quite a lot. You find friends in strange places. You could meet someone who seems totally not your thing. If you get to know them for a while carefully, you find out they have similar values, interests, and all kinds of things that bind people together.

    I did ask if she felt a little bit like an alien observer watching the people go about thier robotic lives? Yes that is just how it feels she said.

    I feel like a detective sometimes. I will spot nearly everything, and remember too much. It makes my life hard at times. Watching people is difficult sometimes. Interacting too sometimes. It's hard to distance myself from that way of thinking. Sometimes though in that pool of prediction, or constant observation, I'll find something completely throws me out. I find it refreshing, other times I find comfort in some people's predictability. I guess you can view it two ways, predictability or stability. My most trusted friend is the most predictable guy I know, but he's also the most reliable and stable. I hope you have fun at your party. The best thing to do is remember, it's a Christmas party and everyone will be letting loose. Have a try at it yourself, no-one will care. They'll probably be too busy full of Christmas tipple.

    A bit of a long post but I just remembered something. My ex used to use a dictaphone. She's really creative, but a bit ADHD like. Her mind is like spaghetti. She has great ideas but can't remember them 5 minutes after. She started using one at uni to remember ideas for designs. Once she did she was coasting. She uses her phone now, last time I went I made a joke about how many files she had. She said laughing, "It's not a joke! Look!". She had folders full of recordings relating to her ideas. She runs her own business and still designs her own clothes. I thought that it might be good for your story ideas. Start with a concept, put the file somewhere in your computer in a folder, and flesh out the ideas by using the stuff you record. Then you can compile your ideas.

    I will see you on the mothership! Where is our destination?Wink

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