Jazz Hands

Did you see the news story last week about the students union that wanted to ban clapping because it might cause distress to sensitive souls like myself. It was the cause of much hilarity on various topical comedy shows. But I thought it was a thoughtful and well-meaning attempt to be a bit more inclusive and maybe a hopeful sign for the future.

  • Makes me laugh these left-wing conspiracies.

    I have one too.

    Apparently Postman Pat was a Soviet Spy.  I know this is a fact because he drives a RED van.

    Jazz hands thing was a nice attempt of inclusivity that has split opinion.

  • Makes me laugh these left-wing conspiracies.

    I have one too.

    Apparently Postman Pat was a Soviet Spy.  I know this is a fact because he drives a RED van.

    Jazz hands thing was a nice attempt of inclusivity that has split opinion.

  • Makes me laugh these left-wing conspiracies.

    Conspiracy makes something sound like something that isn't based in truth. I'm actually moderately left-wing myself. I don't subscribe to totalitarian ideologies though. It's fine to dismiss it with blanket terms, and satire, but you can't provide anything other than this to dismiss or dispute anything anyone's said. You could have just addressed people directly.

    Unfortunately we live on a planet that ridicules anything well meaning.

    I mean well! Stop ridiculing me! Or is it satire when used in a way that falls into the narrative you agree with?

    Apparently Postman Pat was a Soviet Spy.  I know this is a fact because he drives a RED van.

    I heard he was a sexual deviant who fathered all of the children in the village.


    There's something to occupy you. It would be probably better to read a bit of critical therory to inform you on what's being discussed.