Time out

Dear folks,

I have requested that my account be deleted, and this was confirmed to me - but it appears to be still active for the time being.

I just wanted to explain to you all - as I should have done before - that I need to take time out from the community.  Autism defines my life, of course, but I was beginning to feel that I was letting it take over my life.  I have autism, I work with autistic people, I talk about autism all the time, I write about autism all the time.  I think I've allowed my life to get out of balance with it, and I feel the need to restore some of that balance.

I have recently rejoined a writers' website that I used to use many years ago.  I did this as a way of trying to encourage myself to get back to doing some writing - something that's been missing from my life for a while (aside from the autism-related blog!)  Even on there, though, my first few posts were about Asperger's.  This was actually useful, because a lot of people seemed interested - but either knew very little about the subject, or had some of the usual misconceptions.  So, I've been able to offer some insights and elucidation.  But I want to focus more on other things, and need to give this a rest - as we all do from time to time.

I wish you all well and thank you all for your support.  It has meant a lot to me, and has kept me going.  I'm very grateful to you all.

I'll re-register once I feel more able to contribute usefully to the forums.

Best wishes,

Tom x

  • I'm confused.

    In the thread, goodnight and good luck.

    You appear as a deleted user.

    Here, your name still comes up?

  • So am I, Robert.  I asked for my account to be deleted.  I was assured this was done.  This morning I checked, and could still log in.  That's when I noticed that I was logged in as 'Martian Tom' - even though my other posts come up as 'Deleted User'.  I actually even changed my name to 'Deleted User' at the same time of asking.  So I don't know the answer.  I'm still using the same email address and password.  Maybe my 'name change' only affected my earlier posts and the account deletion hasn't come into effect yet.

  • So am I, Robert.  I asked for my account to be deleted.  I was assured this was done.  This morning I checked, and could still log in.  That's when I noticed that I was logged in as 'Martian Tom' - even though my other posts come up as 'Deleted User'.  I actually even changed my name to 'Deleted User' at the same time of asking.  So I don't know the answer.  I'm still using the same email address and password.  Maybe my 'name change' only affected my earlier posts and the account deletion hasn't come into effect yet.

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