More work problems

Continuing with my problems at work.

And the incidents that annoy me.

I work as a support worker with people having both physical & mental disabilities who exhibit challenging behaviour.  

Last week I got a severe reprimand from a senior support worker for using my smartphone at work.  I was checking the weather forecast on the BBC site.  A couple of hours later the same support worker was spending hours on her smartphone playing solitaire, while her colleague was on social websites.    I hate hypocrisy.

I still haven't been sacked.   But I am facing a formal disciplinary hearing in two weeks time, where one option is dismissal.

New charges against me include, that at one meeting I was moving about on a rotating chair playing with it.  I was actually stimming while under stress and trying to relax.


  • My final probation/disciplinary meeting is this Wednesday.  I'm still undecided how to approach the whole event.  

    The panel of people I will be facing are: the chief executive of the company, two senior HR people and the two top managers of the centre I'm working at.  Co workers who saw this list were surprised and shocked!

    In fact I'm not sure if I want to stay in this job.  Some of the complaints about me are petty and trivial. And many existing experienced staff are worse than me.

    Some of the working practices I've seen here recently are both shocking and almost funny.  A recent example being creams being mixed up. An anti fungal cream meant for a female clients groin being applied to her face.  And anti eczema cream intended for her face being applied to her groin.  I pointed out the error by referring to her customer care plan.  I don't know if I should report the error to the management. If I do.  I suspect the staff will send me to Coventry.

  • My final probation/disciplinary meeting is this Wednesday.  I'm still undecided how to approach the whole event.  

    The panel of people I will be facing are: the chief executive of the company, two senior HR people and the two top managers of the centre I'm working at.  Co workers who saw this list were surprised and shocked!

    In fact I'm not sure if I want to stay in this job.  Some of the complaints about me are petty and trivial. And many existing experienced staff are worse than me.

    Some of the working practices I've seen here recently are both shocking and almost funny.  A recent example being creams being mixed up. An anti fungal cream meant for a female clients groin being applied to her face.  And anti eczema cream intended for her face being applied to her groin.  I pointed out the error by referring to her customer care plan.  I don't know if I should report the error to the management. If I do.  I suspect the staff will send me to Coventry.

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