Random thoughts from home

These are not all original t o me but here goes ....

In the supermarket they sell bottles of liquid labelled "Still water".  At what stage will it cease to still be water.

And talking of water, one brand says it has percolated and been filtered  through rock for thousands oof years before being bottled. Good job they bottled it when they did as its best before date is only in a months time.

What does an occasional table become when it is not a table.

Who did the first person who bought a telephone want to ring?

 Where did the first person who bought a car buy petrol from? Or who  did the first filling station sell petrol to?

How many people died eating poisonous mushrooms and berries before they knew which ones were ok to eat?

There are many more, so what are other contributors favourites?

Parents Reply
  • There is a village in Cornwall, in the heart of the China Clay industry, where they obviously are going to have a referendum as to whether they should have a monarch or not  Many times on the road there are signs objecting to this.  The village is called 'Par' and the signs say 'No Parking' (no Par King')  (Sorry, I made that story up, so groan as much as you like ...!)

  • Edit...Honestly, I was only joking, there...*sniffle*... about the "No Par King" thing? Sort of like "Burger King". I could have also detailed about "No waiting" or "No standing" or "No Eating Smelly Food" Notices, yet that would have been too long a Post. And I am not certain if those have been mentioned yet. (!)

    ...Might "No Loading" mean that Internet Access is resricted in that area between times?    ;-/

  • ...Hope that clears up any confusion for anyone! 

    Not at all. Much more confused. Thanks.

  • Greetings again...Considering that these signs are in various forms all over the U.K., I would more have thought them to be some sort of Goverment-Funded challenge to dare more people to take up playing Golf.

    'No Parking Here' or 'No Parking Available', are the most common variants. However, should any Golfing Areas be oversubscribed, then they advertise 'No Parking between ~~~ Times'.
    But if they gain too many very good players, then they say 'Parking Full'. Finally, You can always tell when Parkings are being tested, because a Flag is in the Hole, even during heavy Rain, and there may be signs saying 'Parking Available between ~~~ Hours'.

    ...Hope that clears up any confusion for anyone!