About Space Exploration

Anyone interested in Space Exploration here?

Anyone passionate about and interested in the big projects?

Anyone interested in a journey through the Universe?

  • What's with the bombastic music? I don't see this 'space force' doing any exploration or science. The Parker solar probe (successfully launched this morning) is interesting though, both the practicalities of radiative cooling and to stop us complaining to WebPM that the internet's been fried by a solar storm..

    But I think the general premise is salient.

    Unacknowledged (2017)

    I doubt I'd ever see it. What is the premise?

  • I don't know how you feel about conspiracy theories....

    It's about the whole UFO thing.  Area 51.  The X Files.  Suppressed information.

    Steven Greer has been at the forefront of investigations into this for years.  Declassified documents, some obviously heavily redacted, seem to point to a top-level conspiracy of silence.  Even US presidents have been and are denied access to the information.   There's an idea, based on documentary evidence, that the Kennedy assassination was connected to stuff he was investigating himself.  The suggestion, too, is that other deaths and suicides - such as Marilyn Monroe and Bobby Kennedy - were connected to stuff Kennedy had discovered and passed on. 

    Still with me? 

    People are coming out of the woodwork now - not backwoods anti-government conspiracy theorists and such like, but people who worked on secret military programmes in the 40s through to the 60s -  and saying that certain things were going on... or saying as much as they dare to say. There are two strands to the whole thing now:

    1.  Yes, we have been visited - most often at times of nuclear testing, or when global tensions have been high.  We've even shot down craft.  There are, apparently, bunkers full of evidence.  And we continue to be visited.

    2.  The military-industrial complex is also covertly (obviously) involved in producing 'alien' techonologies and craft based on the research.  These will be used to launch phoney attacks in order to induce fear in a population already sold on the 'threats' of, in order, Russia, terrorism, Isis, etc. 

    Claims are made that global technology is actually 100 years behind what it should actually be now.  That our reliance of fossil fuels should long have passed into history.  That technology exists, but it isn't used because it wouldn't serve the best interests of too many powerful people.  That manipulation - through the media and governments - is happening at very high levels.  9/11, plus many other atrocities, are roped in here.

    Okay... I'll end it there.  That's really quite a basic summary.  Maybe 'salient' wasn't the best word to use.  'Persuasive' might be better.  With all of this kind of stuff, I always reach the stage of never actually knowing what to believe.  Some of it, though, would not surprise me in the least.  I'll watch it again this afternoon, which might help me to get a more cohesive grasp of it.

  • I don't know how you feel about conspiracy theories....

    It's about the whole UFO thing.  Area 51.  The X Files.  Suppressed information.

    Steven Greer has been at the forefront of investigations into this for years.  Declassified documents, some obviously heavily redacted, seem to point to a top-level conspiracy of silence.  Even US presidents have been and are denied access to the information.   There's an idea, based on documentary evidence, that the Kennedy assassination was connected to stuff he was investigating himself.  The suggestion, too, is that other deaths and suicides - such as Marilyn Monroe and Bobby Kennedy - were connected to stuff Kennedy had discovered and passed on. 

    Still with me? 

    People are coming out of the woodwork now - not backwoods anti-government conspiracy theorists and such like, but people who worked on secret military programmes in the 40s through to the 60s -  and saying that certain things were going on... or saying as much as they dare to say. There are two strands to the whole thing now:

    1.  Yes, we have been visited - most often at times of nuclear testing, or when global tensions have been high.  We've even shot down craft.  There are, apparently, bunkers full of evidence.  And we continue to be visited.

    2.  The military-industrial complex is also covertly (obviously) involved in producing 'alien' techonologies and craft based on the research.  These will be used to launch phoney attacks in order to induce fear in a population already sold on the 'threats' of, in order, Russia, terrorism, Isis, etc. 

    Claims are made that global technology is actually 100 years behind what it should actually be now.  That our reliance of fossil fuels should long have passed into history.  That technology exists, but it isn't used because it wouldn't serve the best interests of too many powerful people.  That manipulation - through the media and governments - is happening at very high levels.  9/11, plus many other atrocities, are roped in here.

    Okay... I'll end it there.  That's really quite a basic summary.  Maybe 'salient' wasn't the best word to use.  'Persuasive' might be better.  With all of this kind of stuff, I always reach the stage of never actually knowing what to believe.  Some of it, though, would not surprise me in the least.  I'll watch it again this afternoon, which might help me to get a more cohesive grasp of it.

  • Ok - I'm a science nerd and I've worked on some pretty strange and secret technologies but the whole UFO thing rates as complete and utter BS. I occasionally dip my toe into some of those conspiracy websites & tv shows to see how far known events can be twisted into a mystery by people trying to make a buck from the gullible.

  • I blame a lot of this on Whitley Strieber

    He wrote a novel called Wolfen, which I enjoyed.  The film with Albert Finney was also not bad.

  • I don't see any evidence for alien visitations

    But then, of course, you wouldn't! 

    I've often thought to myself 'Why would they come here in the first place if they're not intent on staying?  What are they looking for?  If they're so massively technologically advanced, why don't they just take over?'

    I keep an open mind - though on this, it's perhaps just ajar.  I absolutely believe that we're not alone.  Our planet - our solar system - is just a tiny grain of sand.  Greer believes that alien civilisations aren't as far away from us as we think.  He also thinks a lot of stuff is staged to breed fear.  But he's convinced that the evidence is there, in truckloads.  And that he has a bullet with his name on it because he's getting closer to the truth.  Or maybe that's where he's being deliberately led. 

    Who knows what goes on?

    I suppose it comes down to a familiar human desire to believe things in spite of lack of evidence.  We want there to be a bigger picture.  That's the pull of religion.

  • ...and now I read that and my first reaction is 'What nonsense!'

    Ah, but that's only because Bill Gates flashed up a little subliminal message on your screen to stop you thinking about The Truth.

    Afraid that even though I used to read Fortean Times regularly, I don't see any evidence for alien visitations, specifically to the US Government, unless you count Trump himself. I blame a lot of this on Whitley Strieber, a rather bad SF writer who realised he could sell more books if he put 'non-fiction' on the cover.

    That our reliance of fossil fuels should long have passed into history.

    Well, I can go with that one...

  • ...and now I read that and my first reaction is 'What nonsense!'