Blogging with autism

Hi Folks, 

First of all, I am not here to advertise anything from myself or other online services. I just want to provide a little bit of insight into how I have gained confidence by blogging about my experiences with autism. I try and write a new blog on Wordpress on a weekly basis, alternating between the topics of lifestyle factors associated with autism and how I feel about aspects of university having now spent three years there. On these blogs I try to allow the reader to gain a first person perspective based on some of the feelings I have felt and the sights I have witnessed through my own eyes. By doing this for nearly a whole academic year, I have gained more confidence discussing why I myself and a few others function and see the world a little differently. 

People at university have been much more understanding and it has taught me to write a little bit better as well (which was essential given I had a 6000 word dissertation and four essays throughout this year!). I would strongly encourage anyone to take up blog/vlog/chat writing on a regular basis. It helps to get things off your chest you are uncomfortable telling people about in person and its actually amazing when you come across old memories that can turn your story from a good one to a fantastic one! 

Anyways thats just my opinion, but please let me know your thoughts!

Kind regards


  • I've read a good number of helpful or revealing blogs by autistic people.  'Musings of an Aspie' gets mentioned here a lot, but it has become something bigger than a personal blog.

    Do you blog under a pseudonym?

  • I've read a good number of helpful or revealing blogs by autistic people.  'Musings of an Aspie' gets mentioned here a lot, but it has become something bigger than a personal blog.

    Do you blog under a pseudonym?
